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Soul Salad

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Everything posted by Soul Salad

  1. But there's another identical BIN one on there for £55 or so (says 1970s issue)? - buyer therefore must be convinced he/she got themselves a bargain original
  2. WOW that actually sounds like it would work (Golden Syrup/YPs ), that's it, I'm throwing the Christmas pudding in the bin
  3. Historical and fascinating, loved reading through this thread WOW!
  4. Well Peter, only problem is that you can't see through the window on our oven (Wifes fault ) so i am going to have to open it? or could pay the children to clean it. Agree the next thread should just be "lard" - see where it goes Dax
  5. But Christmas dinner is a "roast"? - must have YPs with a roast, the beauty of Christmas dinner is everybody has a different combination, we only really have 2 roasts a year, I'm not leaving out YPs! Actually decided I'm making my own YPs this year - Never done that before/Aunt Bessie is the back up in the freezer though'
  6. I know nothing about this record being "right/"wrong", but you guys do so i reported it to ebay a few hours ago. I HATE to think a generous partners buying it for his/her other half for a Christmas present! - That'll be two very unhappy people. Anybody selling a record of that importance knows what it is.
  7. LOL i had to actually Google that one - You too!
  8. Are you actually THE Duke of Burgundy? - Goose!! You are making us Southerners look posh. Never ever had Goose or Partridge never eaten game, not to say i wouldn't, just never been on our radar. Yes agree got to have a Glazed Gammon.
  9. Just started to watch The Crown, really not my type of thing but have to say the casting is amazing - obsessively watching 2 episodes a night.
  10. Scrolling through plus 2 (BIG) glasses of Bailys plus Covid (LOL I am a southerner) i came across this! My children. I don't know how parents ever cope with the loss of a child. - i can't even imagine the pain you'd go through, i guess you learn to cope but you'd never get over it. I get upset even thinking about it. Then my wife - Selfish but I hope i go first! Then my dogs - likely at aged 12 they "will" go before me, that's the sad thing about having pets, but I'm sure they've had a fantastically happy life I do get obsessed about my records then i think of all the above and then my records don't even come close, in fact they wouldn't even be on my list
  11. Creme Brulee - Love it, X Mas pudding, nope - we buy a small one, we NEVER really eat it though. Sprouts must have bacon and chestnuts and need honey baked Parsnips! - We've never really done the traditional roast thing on a Sunday, so Christmas and Easter are really the only times we go mad - Christmas/roast dinner has been on my mind for weeks, sad but true
  12. PS Wonder if you up North have any Christmas food traditions us Southerners have never heard of? BTW Yes most of us Southerner's do eat Yorkshire puddings (albeit usually frozen Aunt Bessie's)
  13. Just as i thought, pretty much a southern thing. Cranberry up North? - You MUST be Harrogate? Seriously, I've had it since day dot always thought it was a thing until a couple of years back. I'm sure you know what it is, those who don't see below or google: Obviously heated looks a bit like porridge. You're supposed to add a bit with your Turkey and a small dollop of Cranberry - it's quite delicious! Breadcrumbs/cream or milk/Clove/butter/nutmeg sometimes a dash of brandy if posh. You can buy it any Supermarket or make yourself Go on i dare you!
  14. Hi Roburt, LOL That a debate! - I'm into everything, personally i just call everything NS now as an umbrella term.
  15. A couple of years ago we had family over from Belfast and Glasgow (stayed in hotels our house is tiny!), as always, we brought out a big pot of bread sauce. All 6 extra guests couldn't believe what they were seeing. Never heard of it, didnt really like it but were polite enough to say yum Hope I'm correct in "assuming" a lot of you on this forum are north of Watford, I'm in the very deep south. Just wondering is bread sauce with Turkey at Christmas a thing in the north of England? or have you never heard of it until now? Hoping this thread is not patronising?
  16. There was a good enough reason for that record cracking as it was dropped (OR WAS IT??) really meaning records that you know you've never dropped/mishandled but pulled out cracked. Maybe some records are already cracked but in such a way are very well disguised until it wants a separation?
  17. PS Meant i have ZERO in that list of rarest NS records thread NOT Top 500.
  18. OK, seems apparent that there are not enough newbies getting into NS? If that is the case i would predict those trophy/rare/Top 500 records will always have a relatively strong value, there will always be an interest in those - just takes 2 people who really want it. Perhaps then it's all those other records that are going to suffer like mine, i have ZERO in that top 500. OK a slightly odd comparison on SS below: If you brought a signed edition Picasso etching in the 90s it was worth about 12K - now worth 6-8K (if you're lucky!) If you brought a top rate Picasso oil on canvas in the 90s it was worth about 12 million - now worth 60 million plus Anyway I've got Covid, i really should be in bed.
  19. Ignore above, copied/pasted original below/asked for matrix scan also Hi we will check on this early next week when we get back to the warehouse. This record came from an old radio station collection from the US we bought recently so we doubt this is any kind of a reissue or recent pressing. best Tom/FreestyleManiac-Records
  20. LOL might be you Mal - that's a scary thought.
  21. Funnily enough, personally record does nothing for me LOL but in the interests of preventing scammers i sent a message asking where it came from. Reply was "We brought recently a radio stations old stock and its 100% genuine as a radio station wouldn't have bad records it's the real deal". Seller hasn't put on a facility on to publicly "post" questions/answers.
  22. These ready made DJs - so who will they be playing to if there's hardly anybody left on the scene?
  23. Well i never. If your correct, what does that say about the future of NS collecting then.

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