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Soul Salad

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Everything posted by Soul Salad

  1. I've just signed up - looks fantastic
  2. Love starved heart Marvin Gaye sung by Darrow Fletcher
  3. I am just looking at this image and imagining John dropping it and saying "Oh, FFS"
  4. What does NSDLPTD stand for?
  5. That is a far too difficult?? - but with AI the way it is, I'm sure you could already do that? OK then Rita and the Tiaras - Gone with the wind sung by Carl Hall LOL
  6. Internationally there is VAST amount of wealth out there, and a lot of multi-millionaires and billionaires - it just takes one of them to have a bit of interest in either general record collecting/N Soul etc then it becomes a bit like me buying a Twix or a Milky Way. To a few, money becomes irrelevant. Hate to say it but probably will sell. PS The above is NOT me
  7. Ha ha like wise, glad it went well Dave, at least your dogs have cool "dog" names our two are called Honey Bear and Cookie monster - named by the children of course!
  8. So then, Who's never heard of bread sauce that tried bread sauce this Christmas. Anybody?
  9. I heard he paid just over 98K for it - not being disrespectful but some nutter somewhere going to buy it
  10. You said not long ago in a "slightly" patronising way LOL along the lines of "you've a lot to learn" - Your completely right i do. On a positive these amazing records I've never heard are all new to me but not to the majority of you on this forum. That Lester Tipton Blows my mind!
  11. Thanks Shinehead
  12. Yep, seem to love it more now. When i swapped i really liked it but wasnt really the stuff i was collecting then. Wish i hadn't now There was not any "particular" value to it when i had it, but looking at that solitary copy there now don't think i will be replacing it anytime soon.
  13. Thats the one! Thankyou so much UGfind and to the others. I thought this one was going to be a lost cause tbh, remember it being a bit obscure. Dax
  14. Thankyou for that, that's interesting. For me, there isn't anything else quite like it to my ears, a bit like if the Sex Pistols wanted to have ever recorded a NS record (with as much energy as well). The fact that the vocal isn't great, neither are the lyrics neither is the production, it is repetitive, the recording is poor, it sounds like a hurried take, as though some teenagers recorded it in their basement/bedroom, all adds to it for me. It's just a record which is so unpolished, it just has that X Factor which you can't always explain. Definitely isn't Motown
  15. PS Definitely not raw, well produced from what i remember.
  16. I'm NOT great with my song descriptions If i was to categorise it, I'd say it would be in a box which read "1969-1971 (slightly psychedelic) blues moody haunting sad soul smooth dancer" It may not even be southern. When i first got it, it reminded me of Syl Johnson i.e. guess a similar vocal and type of song he would have recorded. Not a group name and funnily remember thinking it was a "white" person's name, but defo not by a white guy vocal The chorus is "I need you baby" (female), but the song is called "i need you" i do remember that, wasn't super rare but rare enough to have been a £250 record 20 years ago - that was roughly what i paid for it then then traded it for back then. I've even done the "alphabet" thing, the name won't come to me. The "synth" part is reminiscent of Bridget Bardot's contact but that's where any similarity stops.
  17. Thankyou, Not that one, Its really really frustrating as its not it Its definitely called "i need you" - ive looked and looked and tried every combination of words i can find on google, there can't be that many with that title. Its not on a common label (was a new one to me) and not a common artist (at the time was also new to me), don't think he did anything else tbh? Great female background vocals
  18. Just listened to it - from my description that "should" be it LOL but it's not, Great song and new to me though
  19. Thankyou Mach Nope. I would know the name as soon as i heard it
  20. Hi, just a quick one. A song popped into my head this morning, funny thing is i used to have it, traded it and for the life of me can't remember who/what it was. Has a synth running all the way through it, vocal sounded like Syl Johnson (wasn't Syl Johnson) very early 70s, could be very late 60s, could be called i need you or i need you around., southern sounding, almost bluesy but more crossover That is ALL i have any help as always would be greatly appreciated? Thankyou Happy Christmas!
  21. Slightly irrelevant but knew I'd heard another "similar" into
  22. As a family none of us particularly "like" turkey (we don't mind it), but if it weren't for tradition, cranberry and of course bread sauce, we wouldn't even bother with a turkey. Anybody never had bread sauce/heard of it that "may" give it a go this year? - if so, forget home-made, buy a ready-made luxury one for £2. PS "Moving into Summer" did you say Twoshoes? You ARE the Optimist!
  23. Good question!
  24. My Kent release arrived in one piece and pretty much next day post release. Thanks

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