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Everything posted by Soul-slider

  1. As well as Bread, it also came out on brown Trojan TR 7870
  2. Oh? The good track on the USA is 'Where Am I Going' ...a Mickey Stevenson Motowny mid-tempo affair. Can anyone (Ken?) give me a track listing of the UK release?
  3. Thanks for that Chalky, at first I thought it was perhaps the UK release, I know sometimes they put different tracks than the USA copies to appeal to the UK buyers. Motown did this a few times. Marvin Gaye 'How Sweet It Is' L.P is one that springs to mind and I got caught out buying the USA Kim Weston L.P on MGM....mostly m.o.r/ Jazzy/ easy listening (just one decent soul track in fact) but the UK release was more of her Northern stuff.
  4. Reckon it must be a (fairly recent?) CD then Ady,obviously containing his Uni & Spring tracks collected together?
  5. There seemto be 2 different track listings of Garland Green's 'JealousKind Of Fella' album on UNI as it appears in these two pics My copy is the second one. Can anyone shed any light on this?
  6. Which T.J Williams track was it? 'My Life' or 'Baby I Need You' ????
  7. That's it Pete! 'Talk Of The Grapevine', thank christ for that, thought I was going mad.
  8. Oh, sorry mate. did that come out on Grapevine? Sure I had that track on (red?) Grapevine.
  9. Great album that, and the others from that series (remember the free poster which came with some?). Gonna hold onto my full set for a while and see if I can get top dollar for them when the missus wants a big pay off! Anyone got a value for the whole set of Soul Supply Northern Soul Story double albums???
  10. Ronnie Love.....'Lets Make Love' ...and it came out on Grapevine in the UK.
  11. The shop in Norwich had a Rocksteady 45 on Caltone on his wall @ £60.....he got no takers, he then decided to put it on ebay....you guessed it, he got £125!
  12. I know what you mean mate, haemorrhoids are terrible.
  13. It's 'Fine City Sounds'...the one with the grumpy Paul, he's ok with me though cos' he knows I'll buy something guaranteed! He always made me coffee and we chat for ages while the misses goes shopping in that fine city. Martin (Circular Sound) is staying though thank God, what else will I do with my time while she skits from store to store trying on the same f****** clothes!!!
  14. Re Edward Hamilton. Mine's red, think the yellow might be rarer (as you probably know). I traded £80 worth to get the red a few years back.
  15. Bloody hope so,I bought Joe King, Royal Esquires & Eddie Ray for £100 the 3. Think they've just turned up in abundance!!! Perhaps should have waited and maybe got them cheaper, I dunno.
  16. Hi Mate, What can I say, sorry to hear about you shutting up shop. The quote I've highlighted red in your thread is true and exact and I have to hold my hands up and say that I'm one of the people who have turned my back on the 'Record Shop'. I used to frequent the record fairs too and spend a few hundred in them,the truth is, I can find those same tunes that were costing me £40, 50, 60 each for less than half that on the internet....and that's a fact!! I'm not talking about huge tunes, because they will always go for MORE on the net (ebay, etc), but some run of the mill upto say £75/100....if you look on the net hard enough, you'll find them. Another factor is time, why bother with frequent trips to the record store (bearing in mind I have to travel 40 miles to Norwich for a sniff of any decent record shops) in the almost vain hope that they will have some 'gems' in when all I gotta do is tap in the title/name of the record I want and you can almost guarantee one will turn up eventually.....albeit mostly from the good ol' USA. Obviously postage and the old "I like to hold it in my hands first" are the winners when it comes to shops, but to be honest, I just was'nt finding the stuff I wanted in the shops or fairs. I had a list of wants for years, that's nearly all cleared up now because of the WWW. I sympathise with you, a guy I've got friendly with who runs a record shop in Norwich is closing down after Xmas, I used to go in there and spend hours chatting and having coffee with him, you can't beat that, but at the end of the day, he could'nt come up with the goods! I think you may have more success on the net mate. John
  17. Someone who does collect ska/rocksteady & reggae is Chris Eubank. I remember him saying on a chat show once. Knockout!
  18. Don't know the Shirelles track, but love all the others. Have the Cornelius Brothers L.P...great crossover stuff,every track on the album is top notch.
  19. These in my 2007 purchases too!!!
  20. Completely agree with you Steve, good taste! Bought the book about this kinda stuff (Heey Baby Days...) fascinating! You'd be surprised which groups were actually WHITE! Did you know that the Tams (one of beach music's top bands) actually 'lost' their black fans in the USA in the 60's and had more success and friendships with their white following......ring any bells.
  21. No 45 ...so qualification is just! 'Why Did You Take Your Love' - JAMES BROWN (from'I Can't Stand Myself') - King. Superb non 45!!
  22. Like me! I paid £60 for it about 7 years ago!!! Best track on the L.P is 'I Need Your Lovin' which I think came out as a 45 on Pama but i've never seen it.
  23. Just about everything on Philadelphia International Records.
  24. ??????????? Great track,recently purchased one from my mate in L.A who supplies me with records (he claims he still has 85,000 to get through!!!). Manship rates it @ £40

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