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Everything posted by Soul-slider

  1. Ad-Libs 'Johnny My Boy'. The male backing singers keep asking him questions like "Johnny my boy why do you look so sad?" and "what did she say?"....so on and so on...
  2. Here we go again.... https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200452571207&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT
  3. I think it only came out on a JA 45, not seen a UK copy or in any of the Blue Beat/Fab/PB Uk listings. It's timeline would suggest it would be a 'Fab' release if it did come out in the UK, alas there are none. My copy is a blank Jamaican 45 that I got eons ago.
  4. What about that one who sang "oh, I'm going to Barbados"? He was a South London bus driver from Brixton
  5. Which Jack Jones Ken? The one on Kapp or the one on RCA? Help me out, I'm on me Jack (Jones) here....pardon the pun!
  6. There's another by Jack Jones on RCA Victor (47-9510)- 'Follow Me', that was on a Northern soul tape someone did me years ago, I since found the 45 in a junk shop for 50p and was well chuffed. More upbeat than the one on Kapp and some nice sax work.
  7. ...I'm with you on this one mate, there's one or two in my collection that I thought looked like 'newer' vinyl with the raised lip (the 'Premiers' is one off the top of my head) and like yourself, bought as original 60's records. I wondered if there's a glut of 'King' 45's made more recently????
  8. TMG 501 - 629 orange sleeves TMG 630 - 668 albums sleeve TMG 668 - 1053 olive/green sleeves
  9. I have a 'Swan' demo with the same chequered vinyl on the flip.
  10. That Johnny Jack is a strange one! I bought a copy for £50 a few years ago now (about 9 years!) but was dissapointed when it came as it plays low-fi and looks like a recently made 45 (i.e NOT 1960's). A mate pointed out the same with his copy but thought maybe it's a previously unissued tune? £125 in Manship's book!!!!! Maybe I got a boot, but according to J.M there is NO boot.
  11. I've never seen an Embers yellow demo with the cartoon lion, I don't think there is a boot on MGM? All the yellow copies i've seen don't have the cartoon lion. The blue & gold issue does have the lion but not the cartoony type.
  12. Great, I also love the reggae version by Pat Kelly on UK 'Camel' from 1969.
  13. Just had a look in me TMG box...phew, I have a copy! Did it get a 45 release in the USA? If not, maybe that's the reason???
  14. Think the L.P was a Japanese release. Not to worry however as it came out on a 45, twice! The first was on a UK release 'Soul Series' with a kind of 'Stateside' look about it. Can't remember what the other label was but I'm sure someone on here will enlighten you or correct me.
  15. Great taste Baz! I remember when the missus went and I was on my own for a while, listening to this really did tug at my heart strings and left me feeling sorry for myself. Quality tune, the Nolan Chance version on 'Thomas' is great too.
  16. The re-issue 'put out by the artist himself a few years back' according to this: https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RUFUS-WONDER-UNDER-THE-MOON-GR8-NORTHERN-SOUL-LISTEN_W0QQitemZ130371211811QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Records?hash=item1e5abad223
  17. Elkie Brookes, now there's a record that has surprised me over the years. When I got it I thought WOW what a tune! But it's fairly unknown and I've never heard it out or seen it listed, it doesn't even feature in Manship's UK price guide. I'd let my copy go (ex) but not for peanuts, I really don't know what it's worth as there's very little documented about it on the soul scene. Make me an offer if you like. John
  18. I put in $100, thought maybe it would clean up nice.
  19. Just realised it's from DETROIT(?)...there's another by him backed by the Motor City Orchestra on Setting Sun! ....or perhaps it's not the same guy?
  20. Well, I like quirky NS tunes + I like Johnny Cash (an uncanny likeness!) + I think the backing is tremendous! Reckon I got a bargain

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