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Everything posted by Soul-slider

  1. RESULT!!!!!! https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230467891580&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT
  2. Ahh, maybe I have heard it once then....when you played it!!!LOL! Is it the copy I originally had? Got another minty copy since.... £50 off ebay about 6 years back!!! It's in my play/D.J box but never got round to playing it....I mean, these bloody 1 hour spots just don't cut it.
  3. Superb tune! Pete S posted a soundfile a while back and I fell in love with its Northern stomper backing and Johnny Cash vocal. Went on 'Gemm' and picked up a copy, so you could try there.
  4. Good looking, I mean that Liberty Bell label is quite tasty , also good quality sound and heavy vinyl like ERNIE say's! Not too easy to get either. Record had you fooled anyway...
  5. ...good timing!!!! Anyway Steve, BOOT...but a good one (if there's such a thing as a good boot!!!)
  6. I bet he's talking about 'Liberty Bell'.... am I right?
  7. I'm probably being a nut case here but look in your local phone directory for any of the members, K.Goins is a name I can see on both 45's, or is it like looking for a needle in a haystack? I don't know how big Lincoln is? Can someone post up a sound sample of either 45?
  8. Never heard 'Huns Review' played out, but then I don't get out much these days
  9. There is actually an official 7" release of this on Brunswick which came out quite a few years ago, I think 'Expansion' had something to do with it?
  10. Recently been re-released on Kent.
  11. Interesting that he has NO feedback and he's been a member since December 2007!!!!now that just does not add up! A scam all the way I reckon!
  12. ...Modern Soul tune 'Why Can't There Be Love' on the 'Adidas' trainers advert. Who's the singer and what's the year of release? Is a new tune?
  13. I can't help you with a listing but I do know that most of the 45s are Country /M.O.R. I had a few of them (in dearborn sleeves!) a few years back but none were soul!!
  14. White artist (or Blue-Eyed Soul as it's known).
  15. Click on the Lyn Redgrave video (1st page), you get a clip from a 1967 film 'Smashing Time'. Funny how the playback sounds completely different from the actual take!!!LOL! The power of the recording machine!! Good stomper for Wigan.....
  16. There's only one word to describe that second site.....PHWOARRRR!!!!
  17. That sounds like a company re-issue from the Atlantic vaults, original should be red/black.
  18. It's a great version, not heard it by Billy Stewart but the Lou Rawls is as good as Walter Jackson's version. L.P only I believe.

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