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Everything posted by Soul-slider

  1. Anything else in the box? Demo on Stateside of Invitations....
  2. The flip is a nice blue-eyed Northern tune: 'Is It On - Is It Off' I got a copy on black MGM from a car boot several years ago (10p!!!), I must admit, the top side 'Out Of Sight Out Of Mind' absolutely blew me away, it must be up there with the best Garage tunes ever! Not much help to you I know but good luck in your search. Have you seen this site?.... https://garagehangover.com/
  3. I agree Byrney, Yardbirds is a version of Major Lance. Servicemen is a different tune to these ears!
  4. Big box full, but postage'll be high. Do you live in the East Anglian region?
  5. Jack Jones also done 'Follow Me' on RCA....got played in Norwich....once! Electric Flag - Over Lovin' You - CBS (love this!)
  6. Thanks Lorraine, I have the 'Where Are You' 45s, one on 'Boss' just credited to Johnny Dixon and another on 'Triple B' credited to The Four Sonics. I'll play them side by side along 'Tell Me You're Mine' soon as I get them out of the crates. Have to say, you are one of my favourite Soul singers, saw you at Great Yarmouth many moons back, love the Detroit sound, especially the Pied Piper stuff! Also managed to get the Kent Anniversary 45 of your unreleased 'You Only Live Twice', superb tune! How great is the internet? Being able to talk to one of my fave artists!!! Oh, progress! Johnny
  7. Definitely a female lead on the Sepia 45 'Tell Me You're Mine' track, sure sounds like you!! I can't post soundfiles but hopefully someone on here can....
  8. Hello Lorraine, Just picked up this thread as I've been out of the country and away from a computer. It's wonderful to have you as a member on here! Like most collectors on this site, I too have some of your RCA 45s, also one on SEPIA credited to 'Four Sonics + 1' ....'Tell Me You're Mine' ...I'm presuming the '1' is yourself? Did you work with the Four Sonics on any other tracks? Apologies if you have already answered previously. Johnny
  9. Think you'll find that the Supremes track is on one of their L.P's only mate. L.p is 'Reflections'
  10. I'll be in London on Sat 4th of June, for that weekend. I live in East Anglia. I collect original vinyl 45s & l.p's... Northern Soul Motown Ska Reggae 60's Garage 60's Mod If you think I could be a good interviewee then let me know.
  11. Is it still going? last one I had was #11 (I think?). Never saw anymore for sale after that????
  12. Like Ken say's that's a CD Kev. If someone can offer me an original vinyl UK copy for a fiver I'll take it!
  13. He was too young for the Casino, so in answer to your first missive...no.
  14. A good description of the music from Mr. Eccleson I thought. At last someone with a bit of credibility championing the scene.
  15. Maybe this was the 'One Show' tonight?
  16. Just saw the 'One Show'...nice piece on the Casino. Christopher Eccleson is a fan too!
  17. Have Little Sherman & Mod Swingers on ABC if that's any good to you?
  18. Ahh, 'Do Lord', think I must be getting mixed up with 'Oh Lord (what Are You Doing To Me)? Didn't Big Maybelle do that too?
  19. That sounds like it could be the same instrumental that is currently being played on some advert, can't remember but think it might be for clothing?

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