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Everything posted by Soul-slider

  1. Look backwards not forward ...by which I mean start with the 60's stuff, there are some great tunes to be had for peanuts. Marvin Gaye's 'Chained/At Last' Tamla is a good example, cheap as chips but a fantastic double sided dancer.
  2. I used to frequent the Wirrina (and the Fleet) with the King's Lynn crowd, 80's/90's. Good times.
  3. Yeah, but still 3 days to go!!! So......?? "Madness, madness they call it madness"
  4. Agree re The Apollas. Nice, let's get this one issued!! Mr. Croasdell.....
  5. Well, now that aggrolite is sorted, Manship auctioned one a few months back and got over £200 for it.
  6. I think the most popular one by the group is on 'Shades'....'Jesse James Rides Again' or something like that?
  7. There are a few by the Inner Mind that sell quite well to old skinheads. 'Reggae Limits' & 'Doggy Bite Postman' are 2 which spring to mind.
  8. Two to look out for on Piccadilly by J.James are 'Water' & 'If You Knew'. Both great Northern type tunes. 'If You Knew' is another version of the Ebony Keyes. EDIT: Doh! How thick am I, i've just realised those 2 tracks are by Geno Washington on Piccadilly!! I had the J.James EP with 'This Heart Of Mine' but NO cover/sleeve so when I got the 45 I traded the E.P on as sound was low.
  9. No need retiring yet Julian, they are both in the low end of my guesstimate.
  10. I just posted over there Julian and asked about it ok. Should get a reply later and I'll let you know tonight when I get back from work..
  11. All the Inner Mind 45s on Hot Lead are worth in between £5-£30. Not sure about the one you have as I've never heard it. I can ask Marc Griffiths over on the Pama forum if you like as I know he is an expert on this group.
  12. Are you aware that there is a UK R.Dean Taylor L.P on 'Sounds Superb' (MFP related) that has a slightly different version of 'Ghost In My House' on it? Just saying because I have a mint one for sale for a cheap as chips fiver
  13. Begs the question, 'how long were these records actually made to last?'
  14. We've probably all got a couple of cracked records sitting in our collection and we don't even know it! Especially with those styrene copies. A record could be cracked just around the run out groove following the groove itself, or cracked from the edge of the label just into the grooves and you would never spot it.
  15. It is actually the same song as the one on Modern but a Jazz version by the sounds of it.
  16. I have that EP, got it fairly easily myself off ebay several years back for about £15
  17. I only have the demo which unfortunately features 'So Long Letter' on both sides. It's only ok condition so a tenner (+ post) if it's any good to you?
  18. LP only? Released by Inferno during the late 80's.

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