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Everything posted by Soul-slider

  1. Pete, it's on 'Northern Soul Story volume 4' (red cover). I can't play it at the mo as my decks have been put away whilst decorating is taking place!
  2. There is a version on one of the 'Northern Soul Story' L.P's and think it might be the original take.
  3. I have the pink one. What's it worth these days?
  4. Sorry Chris, it's the other one on Jubilee 'Lookin For My Baby' that I have, had the one you need but must have traded it a while back. Not much more than £25 i'd say? EDIT: Two of my faves by him are 'Rags To Riches' (Honey/Avco) followed by 'Talk Of The Grapevine' (Shout)
  5. I think I may have one in my box, I'll take a look later.
  6. Well, as we are talking about naff 'pop' UK being incorporated into the UK Popcorn/Soul scene, how about this tune... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/380457831777?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649#ht_1064wt_1371 I got one last night for £2.45 post free and there's another on ebay at the moment for pennies so I'm not sure where the £50 price tag came from! Apparently played at Mod nights.
  7. Yeah, the backing is great and so are the Marrionettes but Cilla's voice needs a bit more power.
  8. That's the one, Barry St.John'!!! Cheers Pete. The picture on the youtube video is not the LP I found, this is the lp I got, original 1966 Parlophone... Cilla is backed by 'The Marrionettes' and the L.P contains versions of: 'There's No Place To Hide' '123' 'Baby I'm Yours' 'The Real Thing' (very uptempo Motown soundalike) 'Everything I Touch...' 'In A Woman's Eyes'
  9. Found a Cilla Black L.p in the charity shop the other day and it had a nice version of 'Everything I Touch Turns To Tears'... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-QL-nEPXuw I also have it by 'Brian Poole' I'm pretty sure the tune got played on the scene but which version?
  10. I always assumed it was "All folk go through changes in life..."
  11. Not 100% but don't think 'I Want A Love I Can See' came out on Gordy? I believe it's only on the UK TMG as the flip to 'Loneliness Made Me Realise'.
  12. The same Sir Guy as on Scamm 'Sir Guy Armond' - God Bless A Woman?
  13. I've had Donnie Elbert 3 times, 2 on that CBS and the re-release on Epic. Sold one CBS for £20 and the Epic for £10....mind that was 10 year back and it is a great track!
  14. 'Magic Potion' was booted as the flip to 'Unsatisfied'. Didn't think 'Reach Out...' was booted? I have the pink one too and it's deffo kosher.
  15. Thought so Pete, I think I only paid £40 for a minter, that was about 20 years ago from Soul Bowl so I know it's obviously gone up in value... but didn't think by that much!!! EDIT: I remember it sitting at £75 for a long period of time.
  16. What's a realistic value for The Monorays - 'Love' (20th Century) demo? Already @ £370 on John Manship's.
  17. ..so NOT a company re-issue then as suggested?
  18. One of the BEST ever Northern tunes IMO. Have the second issue styrene copy (more of a turqoise than light blue) bought about 30 years ago. So this is legit?
  19. https://acerecords.co.uk/voo-doo-madamoiselle-thats-when-i-need-you
  20. Must have travelled well, I found my copy in a Maltese market sometime during the 1980's
  21. Quite like the Compliments. I'm interested in trading for it. What are you after?
  22. Levanna says megastar Williams was "warm and friendly". She said: "He was so enthusiastic and respectful about Northern Soul — and was trying to learn the steps in rehearsals. He gave me a massive high five after the performance." Read more: https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/Levanna-s-night-Brits-Pharrell-Nile/story-20673371-detail/story.html#ixzz2tyWx1wco The key word for me is 'respectful'...

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