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Everything posted by Soul-slider

  1. Here's one for ya... Louise Lewis was an actress who starred in some horror films, this photo from 'Blood Of Dracula'.... She had some 45's on Skyway which included 'Monster Miss' and 'Monster's Bride'...but of course we all know her for...
  2. How much is the Donna King? There's no price.
  3. No, it has 'I Keep It Hid' on the flip....which is a Shane Martin recorded track too.
  4. Not only written by Paul Simon but released as well......
  5. Susan Coleman Pilkington was part of Elvis Presley's all girl backing group 'Southern Comfort' in the late 60's early 70's. Susan is centre (blue sweater) with the girls and Sonny & Cher...
  6. I always wondered if she was the actress....? https://www.aveleyman.com/ActorCredit.aspx?ActorID=10306 She appeared in a few films including some Horror flicks, she also had a 45 out on Skyway called 'Monster Bride / Monster Miss'
  7. Only 45 of theirs missing from my collection, superb group.
  8. This is massive! In my house anyway Good call. I'll nominate this one...
  9. Yeah, I like them, I have a couple of their 45s (the other one on Parlophone and a solo one on Decca) but they are fairly tough to find. I do collect the British soul stuff too, some great unknown 45s to seek out! EDIT: Bizzare! A copy f this popped up on my Discogs wants notification this morning! Duly purchased....from Serbia!
  10. I think that Rick Reardon is the main connection to the 2 groups Benji, 7 Dwarfs came first then Rick and maybe 1 or 2 of the others formed The Ambassadors (possibly!). Rick Reardon is lead singer on the Ambassadors 'Whole Lotta Soul' side, he was in the 7 Dwarfs. It seems that Eric Spitzer is the main guy behind the Ambassadors. A bit of info here... https://whitedoowopcollector.blogspot.co.uk/2010/09/seven-dwarfsthe-time.html and here.... https://www.45cat.com/record/nc764063us and here... https://www.discogs.com/artist/1790636-The-Ambassadors-4
  11. I've just posted a photo of the group on ABTS 'Blue Eyed Soul' thread.
  12. Just came across this photo on the net 'Al Williams & The Assembly Of Soul' ...so, is this the Detroit (La Beat) artist? I've never seen an actual photo of our Detroit guy. BTW: This is the site I got it from.... https://www.williamslakedanceclub.com/bands.html
  13. There is a version of the Nooney Rickett track 'Sad Tomorrows' on a Trini Lopez 45 (Reprise 0328) 1964 and on an LP 'The Love Album' (Reprise 6165) 1965
  14. Just doing some digging and I found out that The Majestics / David & Ruben '(I Love Her So Much) It Hurts Me' (Linda 121) were actually The Romancers (also on Linda) with David & Ruben Robles. More 'brown-eyed Soul' rather than blue as these were Mexican/Hispanic/Chicano artists. To confuse matters even more, a previous outing by The Majestics on Linda 111 'Strange World' was actually by an all black group called 'The Atlantics', this group featured Barry White! Strange world indeed!
  15. I have just sent for 3 45's from the States and asked the seller if he could record a smaller amount as I don't want to pay customs as it's a rip off here in the UK. His reply was "Well, I have complete worldwide customer satisfaction wherever I post to" .......so I'm reading between the lines that he's gonna come good for me? I'm going to refuse them if I don't get any joy and they can be returned for a refund. I AIN'T PAYING IT!
  16. 'Marvellos' did well! I always thought this was a £60-100 record! Just shows how behind the times I am
  17. Yeah, he sure could dance! I only just (last week) purchased his album on Chess from 1967. 'I'm In Trouble' one of my fave blue eyed Soul tracks. RIP big fella.

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