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Everything posted by Soul-slider

  1. Just realised that 'Daisy I love You' is also the flip of his Ska Beat outing 'The Ska'. I'll look out for the one on Island ok. John
  2. Jimmy Steward Jr. - Convince Me - Coral This is in-demand at the moment....it's definitely making waves and several of my buddies are after it. It's so catchy R&B, been sticking it on CDs and always gets a good response. Were once £10 from Beatin' Rhythm but try finding one now!
  3. I have this O'Jays album...absolutely brilliant...their second album release and best! Gotta be rare?
  4. 'I Can't Forget About You'...excellent track...out and out group Northern Soul! Buy it now while it's cheap!!!
  5. Got a couple by him on UK Ska Beat...don't know this one though, is it soul?
  6. leon_haywood___mellow_l.p.bmpThis, for me, epitomises sixties soul!
  7. 'Since I Lost My Baby'....The Temptations....the line "but after i've been crying all night, the sun is cold and the new day seems old'.... Been there, done that.
  8. Album was called 'Best Of Northern Tracks' on Spark as someone's already said. Still got it!
  9. oh, think it's something to do with the move...i'll check it again at a later date.
  10. Can't agree more! This really infuriates me, it beggars belief too that some UK dealers charge £2.50 for postage for one 45 record! and that's NOT recorded delivery either! (Not that you really need that anyway, you should be covered by Ebay, Paypal upto £500). Where do they get these postage prices from? Fact: One 45 record costs about 46p to post in the UK, and about $4 (£2.30) from the USA standard rate(Craig Moerer only charges $3.50). Ok, so add on a wee bit for packing. One guy in the States wanted to charge me $25 (that's about £15!!!!) to post an L.P...I told him to get stuffed and he promptly reduced it to $12, just proves it's part of their money making scam! On the other hand, if you're getting The Magnetics on Bonnie for $5 you don't mind paying $25 postage!!! LOL!!!!!!
  11. I had one of hers on Verve Folkways which was bordering on Northern called....'Stoney End'. Also had one of her first albums which had loads of soul on it but can't remember what it was called now and I think that was on Verve Folkways.
  12. Off the top of my head, probably a Sam Cook tune. Some say Ray charles with 'What'd I Say'. In Northern Soul terms it'd be an eary Motown tune surely. I dunno, perhaps Eddie Holland 'Jamie' or something.
  13. Wow! £12! where? I want 5 copies please! No, seriously...gotta be at least £40...but i have seen it for £60...it's in-demand and brilliant! The flip is great also and has had some spins 'I Hate To Be The One To Say'...
  14. Yeah, that sounds about right. Mines just a boot on Hipsville! with the Mr. Dynamite & The Quick (Bert's Apple Crumble) on the flip. As I said earlier it's titled as 'Mongo Bongo' (daft I know!) but you're probably spot on with Monguito Santa Maria, probs came out in the USA then, latin soul no doubt?
  15. Thanks for that, been bugging me for ages. Presume they're British then, that will explain why no USA release.
  16. Complete balls up, sorry...should have been the flip Mr. Dynamite - 'Sh'Mon' ...came out on Sue in UK and goes for loads, last one I saw went for £300!!! I'm pretty sure Mr. Dynamite is Mitch Ryder.
  17. I'm after some U.S.A sleeves, don't see them often...they're red & white stripes with a simple U.S.A (might have the map design too like the label, not sure). Tried covers 33 but they aint got any...must be rare! anyone place a scan up?
  18. If you have a Morrisons supermarket near you they had the Temps dvd for a couple of quid in their dvd/cd baskets. There's also a couple of Northern cds & a nice Mod one (all original artists, no modernised versions) for a couple quid too! agree with you Baz, David Ruffin (listen to his Motown albums, especially the first 2 and last one - 'In My Stride') had a fantastic voice....alas, flawed genius like most are.
  19. Agree with this guy, does sound like Mitch Ryder, evn the backing sounds very familiar to his band The Detroit Wheels. while on the subject of mr.Ryder, I also have a re-issued 60's boogaloo/soul type record which is big on the Funk scene called 'Hey Sister!' by some guy called 'Mongo Bongo'... can't find it listed anywhere and i'm pretty sure it's Mitch Ryder too!
  20. Phew, looking at your lengthy list you've a few good un's...as far as i can see these are the only boots/second issues: POETS (originally on Symbol) DYKE & BLAZERS (originally on Original Sound) SAPPHIRES (originally on ABC) DALTON BOYS (originally on V.I.P) having said that, there is a £75 (or thereabouts) record in there, presuming it's an original ABC 45...the Jackie Lee - One For The Road should have the Northern Soul in-demander 'Darkest Days' on the flip. Hope this has helped, John
  21. Thanks for that Mike, 'Open The Door...' is a good modernised version, yeah that's Willie Garcia ex Midniters lead vocalist. 'open...' would'nt sound out of sorts at any venue! love to hear Jaggerz version of 'i'll never forget you'.

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