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Everything posted by Soul-slider

  1. I had it on Karen then got shot of it when I obtained the Carla release, the flip on Carla is a far superior tune!!.....'I've Been Fooled Before' is a stonking piece of Detroit northern. Don't know the other one on Karen, sorry. Carla/ Karen....were'nt they names of one of the producers 2 daughters?? So i'm guessing they were released at the same time (Probably?)
  2. Also done by 'Don & The Doves' on Dynamic
  3. I'll give you 2 x 99p for it (that's £1.98 for those who can't add!)...so basically you've doubled your money straight away! Seriously though, you definitely got a bargain!!
  4. Gotta be £75-100 each on UK surely. Bit less on USA as always with Motown albums
  5. Especially...'NOT WHILE YOU'RE STANDING THERE' awesome tune off that album...ONLY!!!
  6. clancy_eccles_dynamic_45.BMP[a tachment=21770:island_in_sleeve.jpg][attachm nt=21768:clancy_e...namic_45.BMP]
  7. Read somewhere that Joe wrote the song when he lost his long term girlfriend. Next time you listen to it, you'll feel his pain!!!
  8. Pm'd you his e-mail address. You could also try back pages in the 'Sales' section on here (about page 6/7, I think) and you'll find his postings. Click on his name and you'll get some info including how to send him a message through soul source. Let me know how you get on. John
  9. Love those sleeves! keep all mine in plastic sleeves, they don't arf look good! Rarest one I have is a Blue Beat UK genuine sleeve. The record it came in was shit but had to buy it just for the sleeve!!! Soul wise, I have a nice Jamie/Guyden one as well as several others.
  10. Hey Jocko, I have had a problem with Henrik Cornelius recently and tried to contact him but to no avail. I then opened a dispute in paypal and he replied using paypal's dispute programme. I am waiting on a L.P from him which he has promised he has now posted. He has had problems with his son he say's. John
  11. Got an L.P of his and it's very m.o.r Got 2 singles (can't remember the label, UK though), one is an ok version of Temps 'Get Ready'. I Bet 'Dreams' is his only one worth having......??????????
  12. But....someone's already beaten you to it Pete. I found a DVD called 'Legends Of Rare Soul - volume one' with 30 of the clips you've posted up...a guy in a record shop in Norwich got a copy from a local car boot and I asked if he could get me a copy, subsequently he managed to get me one too a week later off the same guy. It comes in a case/sleeve too. Obviously home made jobbie but it does say in small print: all footage licenced from nostalgia Central Products Los Angeles, California 90028
  13. 75% of my collection is male vocals, and i've got a lot of records!!! I can't stand the early girlie stuff but do love the Motown femmes.
  14. If you're 'Beaconsoul' on Ebay, it was me who bought it and I still have it!!! I wouldn't part with it, no way! Been after it for ages and couldn't believe my luck when I got it for £8.17
  15. Cornelius, Can you contact me please! John
  16. Think you're getting them mixed up with a band actually called 'GOLDEN EARRING'. Sadly Mistaken are obviously white though, no mistake!
  17. Hi Jason, You're a top bloke! I haven't forgot about the Stemmons Express you sent me mate!
  18. This one is definitely worth buying!!!
  19. Yeah, it stars Martin Freeman (the office) who is a big soul/motown fan. Can't remember the title though.
  20. Are'nt these Shrine UK thingies ok though? I thought Goldmine were behind them?

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