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Everything posted by divadiva

  1. <div><iframe width="300" height="60" src="https://vocaroo.com/embed/19mtgenZGA02?autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay"></iframe><br><a href="https://voca.ro/19mtgenZGA02" title="Vocaroo Voice Recorder" target="_blank">View on Vocaroo &gt;&gt;</a></div> Here is the Two of a kind from the acetate. I think it shares the same title but different song. site note link to audio added from above https://vocaroo.com/embed/19mtgenZGA02
  2. I found some acetate records this week and there was The Puzzles's acetate. I never heard about these tracks before. Anybody knows any info about the tracks?https://pasteboard.co/HN7HSO9KnBIM.jpg

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