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Everything posted by Ssmall

  1. Didn't he play a slightly different version of George Pepp (acetate probably) ?
  2. Was going to Shotts with Sedge, Carla & Pablo. Set out from Gilly's, where Sedge left his car. We had an accident in Stoke and had my car towed back to Gilly's. Most normal people would have called it a night but not us. Finally got to Shotts about 5 in the morning. The next day had my towed back to Leighton Buzzard with me pretending to be Sedge as it was his AA card. When we finally got home I had to quickly explain the situation to my Dad so he didn't give the game away to the AA Driver!!
  3. Regarding F L Moore's in Leighton Buzzard. I remember them clearing out all their old stock around 82/83. I wasn't very knowledgeable back then so have no idea what I missed out on!!! I think Gav Page got more from them as he had a proper job back then, I was only on a YTS scheme. I do remember the bloke who owned it had a really bad wig.
  4. Really sorry to hear this. Had some great times at niters with him over the years. Condolences to his family and friends. Another soul gone the likes of which we will never see again. RIP
  5. Not the worst experience but certainly the strangest. Went to Val Shiveley's shop in Philly in 1991 with Sedge from Stoke. At first he didn't want to know as we didn't have a wants list. After a bit he let us behind the counter to have a look, found a few nice bits eg 3 copies of the Volumes on Impact. Then he said he had just received a shipment from a radio station & hadn't had a chance to go through them. He said if we sorted them as we went along he was happy for us to have a look through. Only condition was we had to take our tops off so we didn't try to steal anything. Took us upstairs which was filled with these unsorted boxes. Just as well we didn't have our tops on as it was a hot as hell!! Spent the next day and a half going through them. Got some nice things pretty cheap but hardly scratched the surface. We were gutted we didn't have more time as who knows what might have been in there.

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