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Everything posted by Robr

  1. Martyn You are so right about Tony being " a bit different on many levels ".
  2. I'm pretty sure that Tony Warot was responsible for first playing and making popular the Nina Simone track. It became quite a big play at the time particularly at The Fleet. Loved Tony but hated the record. Rob
  3. The Fleet had a narrow dark corridor leading to a second room that was also very dark and was used as a modern soul room on occasions. The room was also long and narrow and as stated previously was sort of behind the main room stage. Many happy memories of my very first Alnighter venue.
  4. I don't think anyone has mentioned the nighters held in Bedford at The Nitespot , and old cinema converted into a theatre / disco. From memory I think it was early eighties or possibly very late seventies. Remember Soul Sam making a big statement one night during his spot that it was one of the best nighters in the country at the time. I could have imagined that but I seem to recall it somehow.
  5. I only started going to nighters, soul nights in January 1979 so only have 2 years on the scene before the eighties kicked in. And yes I did go to the casino until it's demise and the farce that became its final night. What I do remember of the eighties scene, was that I attended so many great alnighters all over the country, most have been mentioned by others already. Because I only started going in 79 I still had so many great oldies to hear. It was a great period for quality 60s newies and of course the start of what became modern soul and later crossover. The scene still had an abundance of crazy characters, some of whom I got to know and love and be terrified of in equal measures. Oh yeah and the gear was still great too, what's not to like. Very happy times. Rob
  6. Let me make this quite clear this statement is only related to me and my wife's own experience regarding her mother and the treatment she received at Hinchingbrooke Hospital. In this instance over a period of 5 weeks, whilst my mother in law was admitted to a ward, I have never come across such a bunch of incompetent, disorganised, uninterested, unprofessional and lazy staff. Our family no longer "big up" the untouchable NHS because of this experience. Thankfully I know this doesn't apply to the vast majority of staff across the country but they are not all worth clapping for, believe me.
  7. Looking at the images posted and seen the various videos filmed at both Oddfellows and the Loughborough niters many times over the years and it dawned on me that I never seem to appear on any of them. From memory I was at every Oddfellows and Loughborough nighter held and my missus and friends all appear on the videos but never me. The same applies to the Unicorn nighters at Leighton Buzzard and I begin to wonder if I was ever really there. Probably just hiding in some dark corner in the usual mess I always liked to get in. Happy days in deed at some great nighters.
  8. I didn't know Max that well but many of my friends did and they only have nice things to say about him. My condolences to his family and friends at this sad time. R.I.P. Max Robin
  9. On the positive side, SOME of the events I still do attend play such a diverse selection of great SOUL records like never before. They may not be classed as northern or modern but most are soul in one form or another. In my experience these venues do tend to be in back street clubs or pubs and are quite often held on a Sunday with the local collectors free to play what they think would be good to hear. Constantly hear records I have never come across before. Cheers Rob
  10. Mark, Maybe there is no right or wrong to the debate, just a load of opinions based on what we witnessed or thought about what evolved or didn't evolve. Could it be said that more and more events opening up alternative rooms to the main room also played it's part in diluting the music played as there was always an option to not hear new sounds or styles. Personally I preferred the one room but all genres played together, it worked for me and certainly broadened my tastes. Cheers Rob
  11. I don't believe any club or venue can be detrimental to any scene. Surely it's down to the DJs to educate the crowd and not allow the crowd to influence them into going in what may be considered the wrong direction. It just takes those playing the records to believe in what they play and hopefully take the crowd with them. That's what use to happen when I started attending nighters and soul nights.
  12. It's one thing that the Casino had an oldies nighter back then, up until it's closure, as even some of the " oldies" were not that old at the time. But for so called DJs to still play those records is at best plain lazy and very unimaginative considering the vast amount of choice of under played and forgotten tunes available.
  13. I have not got a big problem with a witty slogan on a t-shirt but when you add it to the trend for beer mats, baggies, flared skirts, braces and the demand for the same old over played oldies at most venues then that gets embarrassing in my opinion. All the above were fine when you were 16 but don't look so good at 60 plus. These are the reasons I don't attend many events any more.

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