So I recently went to a Deptford Northern Soul Club event with my godson. Something I could never have imagined him doing. We had a great time and he enjoyed the music. We normally share around his large collection of hip hop, dance and jazz and my eclectic collection of albums and tracks of all genres, so irrespective of the reason, though it was a cheap night in relative terms, I think it's great more young people are exposed to Soul in it's many forms. We've got more music and gig events lined up, and I expect a few more Soul nights down the road....I've just asked him what he could like for Christmas, usually 4 vinyl albums, so I am quite looking forward to his choices. It will be pay day for me if he does get into Soul, as he's an avid record buyer...and we all need one of those in our lives! Slightly off topic, but we've just bought tickets to see Duty Moonshine Big Band, so if you see some one "older" at the back of the hall. Please feel free to say Hi