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Everything posted by Maxwell

  1. Morecambe Pier 1st anniversary badge finishing tonight on Ebay. Just do advanced search for charliecats2 that will get you to the listing. Thanks Gary
  2. Still 3 items with no bids on ending tonight, grab a bargain just do the advanced search for charliecats2 to get to the listing. Cheers Gary
  3. Lada Edmund jr on UK as well as Creation on Stateside. Ending Tomorrow ( Sunday )
  4. Lou Pride - I,m Comin' , Earl Wright- Thumb a Ride Demo, Patty & the Emblems-Mixed up shook girl $tateside, Sam and Bill I'll Try UK Demo and others. Morecambe 1st Anniversary badge, Northern Noise oldies 4th anniversary magazine. All ending Sunday Just put Charliecats2 in the advanced search will get you to the full listing. Cheers Gary
  5. Start ending about 6.15 tonight
  6. But it did get a 45 release. Official legit, due to demand. Back in the 70s
  7. Clyde Mcphatter -Please give me one more chance. Ohio Players- Love slipped through my fingers. Sorry that's two but both would be mega bucks if on a 45
  8. Few Northern one R&b tune ending Sunday on Ebay just do an advanced search for charliecats2 and it will get you to the full listing, Cheers Gary
  9. Is it me, shouldn't this be in sales?
  10. Just Listed a few tunes on Ebay Earl Grant-Hide Nor Hair -Decca, Jeanette White - Music - A&M, Tony Middleton -Paris Blues, The Pretenders I Wanna Be, Smith Brothers, Ending Sunday just do an advanced search username Charliecats2 will get you to the listing. Cheers Gary
  11. Thought I had found my early retirement record. Was nice to dream. thought someone on here would know. Thank you Ricky
  12. Sorting through the records and found this had it for years, does anybody have any idea of value? Can't find it on popsike or even a clip on you tube,
  13. Few tunes on Ebay finishing tonight, The Crow Demo, Gene Woodbury,Holland Dozier,Ruby Rowe Advanced search for Charliecats2 gets you to the listing Thanks Gary
  14. It shouldn't work with the title and band name,but it does.
  15. Got a few tunes ending tonight on Ebay, username charliecats2,don't have a clue how to do the link. So just do an advanced search. Cheers Gary
  16. Ruby Lee- I'm Gonna Put A Watch on You/I Believe In You - Poptone plays EX £60 Gene Woodbury-That's Not Half Bad/Everybody Can't Be Pretty- Del-Val plays EX £55 Ruby Rowe- We Love Each Other-Resist plays EX £60 Sam and Bill-I'll Try- Uk Brunswick Maroon Demo plays EX £50 Plus postage at £2.50 or £6 registered Would prefer paypal as a gift.
  17. Why don't you search for lesser played stuff or future classics instead of the same old stuff? Loads of them about.
  18. I need love and I need it bad.so come on over and share my pad.
  19. Thanks for the help guys but am a bit old school with my tech stuff, would prefer the dvds if anyone can help please. Cheers Gary
  20. Wanted Breaking Bad dvds series 4/5 and 6. seen them on Ebay but thought I would ask on here first. Please pm with price including post. Paypal or cheque payment Cheers Gary
  21. 2 questions when is the next one and where do I get some tickets?
  22. He is only 62! Would have put ten year on that, but he is prone to embellish the truth.
  23. You name em!!!

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