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Everything posted by Maxwell

  1. Yes m8 but it aint worth diddley until someone flashes the cash...... !
  2. Ill get me coat then!
  3. Do you take Visa?
  4. Thought this would have flown out at this price for a quality 70s tune, isnt it that well known? must have had this for 30 years so presumed it would be well known..............................
  5. Phil Phillips - It Takes More - Hard Boiled Records in Ex + condition. Still got this to go, need the cash £100 in Mr Manships book so will take £70 including post!
  6. Dont get out and about buying records anymore so am not up on prices, will do it for £25 including post if anyone is interested
  7. Didnt know Sam had played it thats a good pedigree on its own without Edddie playing it, only heard it a couple of years ago and came across two copies within weeks of each other, so this is my spare thats up for sale.
  8. Allnight band - Lovely Ladies -uk Contact £35 Ex+++ cond small sticker on label get one before it goes massive!!!!!!!!! FREE POSTAGE TO UK, PAYPAL CHEQUES POSTAL ORDERS ACCEPTED EDDIE SAYS THIS IS MY KINDA MUSIC SOLD
  9. Have a selection of badges for sale on ebay finishing tonight, Morecambe, Wigan and Brighouse dont know how to do the link so just put in search Wigan Casino 4th Anniversary oldies Cheers Gary one gone five to go!
  10. Sure it was on Disco Demand, the best northern compilation ever in my opinion.......
  11. I would have let it go to the second highest bidder, would be very surprised to see it go as high as the last one!
  12. HOUSE?????? just remixes !!!
  13. a very good price!!!!!
  14. Thanks!!!!!!!!! Gary
  15. WILL TAKE OFFERS ON THESE TWO..................
  16. Have for sale Phil Phillips - It takes more - Hard-Boiled Records Ex++ condition £75 Allnight Band - Lovely Ladies - UK Contact Ex+++ condition £35 Paypal ok + £2 recorded post. Pms only please............ Can play over the phone if anyone wants to hear them Refund if not happy.
  17. have bought a couple of tunes from this seller, both in better condition than described, and posted and delivered in under a week!
  18. thought i had one in the loft in me other box but turned out it was jimmy ruffin what becomes of the hearted on soul, easy mistake sorry!
  19. bell sound stamped in run out on the original
  20. sold 12 of mine earlier this year on ebay and got over £700 for the lot!!!!!!!!!!!!! the most expensive went for £110 so somebody wants em with or without the vest
  21. Whats this going for now?
  22. Have had the same problem, no internet for 5 weeks, ditched aol after hours on the phone!!!!!!
  23. thats cleared that up thanks!
  24. have a 12 on Bevnik records , red/ rust colour at the top fading down to flesh coloured? original or 2nd issue?
  25. whats the difference in the reissue and the original?

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