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    Leeds, united kingdom
  • Top Soul Sound
    Someday, the tempests. Constantly changing, anything with a soul tappy beat and an underlying mod strut.

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  • A brief intro...
    mod at 17 strutting about in a parka, riding a scooter and listening to very cool music, now 53, strutting around in a parka, riding a scooter and listening to very cool music

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  1. Absolutely amazing evening. Everyone looked sharp, the music was nothing shy of excellent and I loved the intimate feel of the place. It was like being smuggled into a backroom of a blues bar or the dirty dancing movie set, just with better music. More of this please.
  2. Hiya Paul Mike Oscar delta. As in MOD. Was on the Rideout with you last night on my new royal Best regards Rob
  3. Dianne plays an ace set, seen her at moortown.
  4. Excellent night last night. Mopsey played some fab tunes. A lovely balance of regular stuff and introduced me to some new sounds that I hadn't heard. Looking forward to his next visit. Had a destroyed back from over exercising last week and yet still couldn't resist a boogie to some of the ace tunes played. Thankyou so much Rob the mod
  5. An absolutely awesome evening. Fabulous crowd and beautiful venue. Mark and Steve delivered an amazing selection of tunes. The dance floor was an absolute joy to make shapes on. Very friendly environment too. Thankyou so much and already looking forward to the next one. My first time at the casino, people said it was one not to be missed and it truly delivered. Gutted that I missed the first two. Rob and Anna
  6. Fabulous night. First time at this venue. The DJs were fab, dabbling into a bit of ska too. Ace bar staff. Friendly peeps and good music. Thankyou organisers
  7. Absolutely fabulous event. Really friendly people, ace tunes and fab music. Thankyou so much, see you at the next one. Rob the mod.

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