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The Phantom Janitor

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The Phantom Janitor last won the day on April 30 2016

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  • Top Soul Sound
    I love her so much it hurts me-The Majestics

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  1. One that's been on my wants list for ages, finally managed to get a copy and will be in the box for Saturday, a tune from the days of Stafford. e
  2. Only a week to go, make sure you get down to hear some cracking tunes like this one, still waiting to have its day, think it's a bit on the rare side doesn't seem to come up for sale very often.
  3. As always some great tunes lined for our next night. s
    Top afternoon of soul, excellent venue, great turnout looking forward to the next one!
  4. Looking forward to this, should be good.
  5. Just over a week to go, looking forward to seeing everyone on the 9th, a fiver in for a great night out and to help support Macmillan.
  6. Some great releases out already this year, looking forward to giving them a spin.
  7. Looking forward to a night of quality tunes at Dab of Soul.
  8. Look forward to seeing you there Andy, and thanks for your continued support.
  9. We'll have an extra helping of classic Oldies and Modern tunes as its the charity night, but I'm sure we will still manage to get a couple of underplayed ones in.
  10. A few free CDs to give away to the early arrivals, some nice tunes on there to give a taste of what we play.
  11. Next years dates.
  12. Just over a week to go, some great tunes posted on here and Facebook, looking forward to hearing them.
  13. Some of the tunes played at Altrincham this year, looking forward to playing more of the same on December 1st.
  14. It really was a fantastic charity night last February, hope you can join us for this one and make it another brilliant night and make lots of money for Macmillan. Check out the YouTube clip from last time.

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