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  1. Very honourable, but honest? not so sure. If a song is good has great soulful vocals and a strong melody I think many would find it hard to resist. I'm not saying AI is there yet, but as today's artists have proved year on year they cannot produce the golden studio sound of the past, that many on the soul scene hanker for, such as the funk brothers in the Motown studio before they moved the setup to L.A. I think AI will enable this in the future. I'm old enough to remember the constant arguments in the back pages of Black Echoes where fans would argue over what should be classed as a newie and Mr M's oldies and whether we should accept tunes from the 1970s etc etc. Now we even accept songs from the 90s into the classic soul scene! Remember many say it won't belong before AI will have surpassed us in intelligence so why is it unthinkable they won't be able to produce soul music?

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