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    Birmingham, UK
  • Top Soul Sound
    Thom Bell

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  1. Very many thanks for solving this query, and for the Youtube link. I'm really pleased to have found the song. It might yet come to me which Radio 1 show used the short extract as part of an "oldies" jingle... might even have been Stuart Henry or Rosko. It definitely wasn't a R1 theme tune... but it was great to be reminded of Mike Raven's "Soul Serenade" intro music.
  2. Thanks for the tip... sadly, this one is ruled out by its 1983 date. The track I'm seeking was definitely being used on Radio One by late 1972 - it's easy to date this, as it appears very briefly in a cinema short about the radio station released in April 1973. In the clip they used, the "Memories" clip was was preceded by the famous Jimmy Castor monologue from "Troglodyte" - "what we're going to do here is go back, way back, back into time." The search continues!
  3. Hello there. I'm a new member, and it's good to be here. Hope it's not out-of-order to start with a request for help. I'm trying to identify a track from the late 60s / early 70s that was used occasionally on BBC Radio 1 in the early seventies as a jingle to introduce soul oldies. Might have been on Dave Simmons or Mike Raven shows - I just can't remember for sure. Great female vocal, lyrics start: "Memories, oh memories, they take me back..." All the usual searches yield nothing but it does sound to me like a record rather than a custom-made radio jingle, though perhaps it was originally from a US soul station. I have a very brief extract on tape and I've put a short loop here... https://www.dropbox.com/s/oufjg6venaync1y/Who is this%3F .mp3?dl=0 Great if anyone can help identify. Thank you!

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