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Phil The Fluter

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Everything posted by Phil The Fluter

  1. This event was excellent event in an air condition room. Could prove to be a not to be missed venue. A great mixture of rare but great tunes mixed with afew floor fillers. Well done Tapper with your selections
  2. I must apologise for the repeating Wasn't sure how to send a new message on here. Thinking the previous message would be deleted leaving a blank page WRONG OOPS
  3. Laura Lee "To Win Your Heart" is without doubt my favourite Ric Tic recording along with Bob Wilson and the San Remo Strings instrumental "All Turned On"
  4. I found this it posted both informative and interesting about how Ric Tic commenced and soul artists that started with including Edwin Star, Laura Lee and not forgetting The San Remo Strings
  5. https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/ric-tic-detroit-rivalled-motown/
  6. I certainly didn't know that Many thanks
  7. Thought I was correct please see screen shot
  8. I am a Junior Walker fan Twist Lackawanna However I had never heard this great track before. I believe its from the Road Runner Album ?
  9. Thank you to everyone who replied to my query
  10. Teahouse In Chinatown by Jimmy Hart https://www.shazam.com/track/2932383/teahouse-in-chinatown?referrer=share
  11. This link should be of interest to all Northern Soul attendees https://www.theguardian.com/music/article/2024/may/20/stax-records-story-otis-redding-isaac-hayes
  12. What a fabulous performance in Coventry last night
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  13. Just a heads up to everyone however if your already aware please don't let me offend you. Not entirely familiar with how to negotiate this forum ! BBC Proms on Saturday evening 15/07/23 are covering Northern Soul tunes
  14. Thank you Ken B for your help I thought paul-s comment was rather rude
  15. Hi everyone Anybody seen the Signatures live ? Thinking of attending one of their gigs soon. Your comments would be very welcome
  16. We've booked up to see The Gabriels in Coventry in July. Anyone else going ?
  17. What an excellent new venue and facilities. The music RIGHT ON for the occasion Well done to everyone who were in the organising
    We completed our FIRST visit on Sunday afternoon 16/04/23. My wife and I throughly enjoyed it. Lovely venue, excellent sound system, good bar prices, nice dance floor and refreshing choices of vinyl. Everyone were very friendly. Definitely one to put in your diaries Phil
  18. Hi everyone who replied and many thanks. I am spreading the word about this recording at all the venues we attend. Those who were unaware are generally bowled over by the tune. WARNING It does become an EARWORM number !!!
  19. Thank you so much for your update Soulwolf
  20. Splendid Thank you so much for sharing that link
  21. So sad to hear the passing of Paul who was a true lover of Northern Soul RIP Paul

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