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Joel E Turner

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Joel E Turner last won the day on February 25 2023

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    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Interests
    Soul and Classic Urban Harmony
  • Top Soul Sound
    The Show Stoppers

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    Writer of fiction and blogger about music, film and literature

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  1. Max, this is some outstanding stuff. Will be looking for these records - maybe you can post a link re where to buy etc. Thanks for keeping the Philly sound alive!
  2. Another book for me to find.....thx for the info. I spend my summers in Michigan, went to UM, and my son lives in Detroit (and is a record collector/ex-DJ) so I've really enjoyed getting into the music history. Let me know where I can find you/your work on social media, if you can.
  3. Daniel, great stories and glad to find you here at Soul Source. Ace seems like it would have been a good home for a Fortune series. The Pirates version is nice - smoother (of course) than the original. Thanks for sharing that. Thanks for reading and I'll try to dig up your Goldmine interview.
  4. Details of a review from Joel E Turner of Mind Over Matter: The Myths and Mysteries of Detroit's Fortune Records by Billy Miller and Michael Hurtt. Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
  5. "The Rosetta Stone of Rock'n'Roll"? A Review of Mind Over Matter: The Myths and Mysteries of Detroit's Fortune Records by Billy Miller and Michael Hurtt from Joel E Turner Intro It’s been two Xmas’s since I was gifted this tome which has rarely left the office reading table. Mind Over Matter: The Myths and Mysteries of Detroit’s Fortune Records by Billy Miller and Michael Hurtt is a sprawling 500+ page, hardbound, well-illustrated history of legendary Fortune Records. I’m only going to say this once: if you are a fan of Detroit music and its history – buy this book. The full review can be read here... https://wp.me/p5WzGW-nS
  6. As a part-time Michigander - spend summers in Newaygo county and my son lives in Detroit - I really enjoyed this bit of Detroit music history. So much good music has come out of there!
  7. Thx, you give me hope.
  8. Thx....will have a wary eye on prices. Believe I'll stop by SoulJazz for old times sake. And perhaps Third Man as my son lives in Detroit and likes the store there.
  9. Heading to London for a week. Any suggestions for record stores, esp for soul 45s?
  10. Dave, see my comments in that thread. I'm going to pull together a list of followup questions for Bruce W., from comments here and from the article above. Which is a great article, btw. Bunny Sigler is a Philly legend, so glad to hear you got him over to UK.
  11. Dave, I just came across this article, as I was responding to another Soul-Source member who was commenting on my recent article on The Show Stoppers and Bruce Weinroth (This member seemed to think The Four Perfections were the same guys as The Show Stoppers, which is not right). Anyway, I haven't even read the rest of the thread here, but I know Bruce, as you'll see if you've read my piece, and can see if I can get some more info on the production of the "I'm Not Strong Enough". I'll keep in touch.
  12. Marc, thanks for the comments. Two questions/thoughts: - Had not heard of The Fortune Tellers, clearly a Philadelphia group. But all The Show Stoppers were born in 1948/1949, so seems unlikely they were in The Fortune Tellers (not impossible, though). If there is a connection, could it be older Burke brothers? And is that acetate from the 1961 recording? Anything you can clarify on that would be great. - Houseparty was written by Carl Fisher (Del Sharh) and Joe Thomas, The Show Stoppers guitarist, at least according to the publishing credits and my conversations with Bruce Weinroth. Am I missing something here? Cheers and thanks for reading the piece.

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