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Everything posted by Dazdakin

  1. Anybody know his email address, if you do but not sure you should give it, just tell him willie hutch geezer leicester nighter on sat, he will know what you mean. Thanks all.
  2. There is just no accounting for no taste is there??? Only kidding mate, your correct in that as for soul content it has got none, but at a nighter it just hits the spot for me, each to their own eh?
  3. Mmm, fantastic instro, loved it when it was first played or at least when i heard it first back in the early 80's. Notts Palais nighter downstairs in the Bali room spun by Steve Philis, only ever remember him playing it to be honest.
  4. Thank you so much for taking the time to be as clear as clear can be really .......top man. i now know i have a second issue "legal" release but not a pucker one........oh well...........how would this go down with all those "original vinyl only" crowd i wonder???
  5. Ask the main man eh!! different class, thanks John.. . . . .But, (here we go) how about scratched in archer in dead wax followed dxm not dmx or did you just get confused?? Also you say re-issues are about, would they be legal re-issues from Gemni or nasty 70's lookalikes from Soussan lets say.
  6. Thats the one post iwas hoping to get!! ARCHER stamp you say, right ok, seen many boots none with an archer stamp in which is obvious if a boot , but i now got one with an archer scratch?? not a stamp as in raised vinyl kind of stamp but a scratch a proper scratch not done by hand, what do ya think?? is this what you mean when you say stamp as a stamp to me is doni burdick "Bari Track" now thats a stamp!!
  7. Can anybody give the definitive description of what a pucker real deal genuine copy looks like, feels like,whats it got in the dead wax that the boots don't, is the lettering any crisper, whats the proper colour of the label and text....Or is this the record that those pesky bootleggers in the 70's actually cracked it and literally confused us all enough to believe that genuine ones are boots and visa versa???
  8. If we are talking Northern 60's then surly it has to be Sandi Sheldon. Your Major Harris / Severn Souls to be honest are not that rare or at least were not rare BITD but your Sandi Sheldon that is a genuine rare record. p.s. Having said that my Major Harris is stonkingly as rare as rockin' horse shi*. MINT MINT MINT VINYL!! NOT STYRENE AND A MOULDED ON LABEL, now who has ever seen one of those then eh?? oh and its a nice demo too!!
  9. Just a thought here, i bet some fecker down the post office has one royal northern collection going on!! What exactly does "lost in post" mean anyways for f. sake.....lost where, i mean i thought it was a system, in every way, if its "lost" it should normally always be found at some point or time in the future...its a strange one thats for sure.
  10. Spot on Mark, could not agree more, my style as well. Having said that 9th Dec. brought from U.S. Monclairs cheap cheap $9.99 + $7.00 P/P come the 28th still not here i told him and we both put it down to the xmas period and all that goes with it, come the 3rd jan still not with me told him and he refunded the lot which i never asked for nor expected......top man as for all he knows i could be pulling a fast one, which i am not. p.s. still not here!!
  11. yes i believe it was him.
  12. No not that, Quality sound though eh?
  13. Well thanks for your help guys but it none of those, prity sure its called nursery rhyme though. its an absolute stormer with a hook line in it that goes Oooooooooo Baby!! me thinks twice and it sounds like a male group.
  14. Absolute storming track played have heard before but no idea what it is. I think!! its called "Nursery Rhyme" not a clue who its by though, any help appreciated
  15. Well if it was having to describe what northern soul was to a complete novice - no contest really - PAUL ANKER - CAN'T HELP LOVING YOU The beat is so spot on its scary,string,arrangement, dancers love it, and the best thing is its a WHITE GUY singing it......Remember northern is a beat which is why at least %10 is from white artists. IMHO!!
  16. Stoke - Kings Hall (Venue, attendance,Music policy, Just in a different league to anything else........IMHO) Rugby - Could have been No1 but for the frequent clashes of other venues!! Nuneaton Coop (Nighter) 10/10 goes to Mark for this his first "big time" Been to most others during the year and for me Bidds/Lifeline aka "rare as you like venues" as yet, just dont do it for me. But heyho there maybe hope yet as even the legendary TOTW eventually gave us "oldies" crowd a room to play about with........Watcha reckon then eh???
  17. Does anybody feckin' know if its ticket only or pay on the door. I only ask as the flyer clearly states entry by ticket only but in the events guild it says £20 on the door........ need to know!!
  18. Take an offensively large line of the v.fast stuff, get yourself to the point where you become all pockets and loose change, remember you could,just maybe fook everybodys night up, but most importantly remember there is no pressure:whistling:. No seriously dont mix and match ie 80's then 60's, remember whats been played already, cue it play it a little chit chat, cue it play it, then fade straight in no chit chat, cue it chit chat play it, repeat . And a big line of the fast stuff.
  19. my god mark, defo not the milkmans kid there?
  20. most popular rarest tune has got to be Eddie Parker "I'm Gone" followed very close with Ray Agee " Losin" And how about this one that nobody i think has mentioned Jimmy Burns " I Really Love You"
  21. Its just a shame thats all coz the last Rugby nighter was the tops, and even busy enough for a tea/coffee van to be parked outside ffs!! Yes the music is everything, the venue helps,even the location sometimes but what all nighters need imo is people this = atmosphere and without that you got nada. Still having said that was still a good night.
  22. Mmm just like i thought, not enough souls to go around these days. Rugby was enjoyable but empty (80 at most) by all accounts so was keele although this is second hand info. Loughborogh mini nighter had 150 ish in but emptied around 2.30am ish. Dont know about Burnley fri eve. the point being promoters get it sorted talk to each other stop clashing or it will hasten the demise of what we have got. not just because of lack of atmosphere of venues but promoters will not be able to stand the losses they are makin at the min. Just a rant and a thought.
  23. Where we all goin' to Keele or Rugby. I ask as it piss** me right off that two "big" nighters are on the same night yet there was none on last W/end!! WTF!! Personally going Rugby as last one was tops and am sorry to say that Keele will never be like it once was...... a monster of an nighter, its now smaller in size and a shadow of its former self. Thought these kind of dilemas was behind us nowadays as there just aint enough of us left to fill two good venues imhp.
  24. Willie Hutch - Love Runs Out / The Duck Doni Burdick - Bari Track / I Have Faith In You Larry Atkins - Lighten Up / Aint That Love Enough Ronnie McNair - Sitting In My Class / Isn't She A pretty Thing
  25. Er um' "played at wigan" is the thread so am sure that i have, but if i have not then i apologies.

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