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Everything posted by Dazdakin

  1. Soul Sam has a minter on Eskee in his sales box right now.............seen it last night at kings hall.
  2. i always was under the impression that the original bernard williams + bluenotes was on green harthon as apposed to the orange one??
  3. No not got one for sale Mark, i had a copy on demo BITD when things was a little cheaper where vinyl is concerned (£6.00 off of Rob Wigley) Just know it to be a real rare one as far as demos go. talking of demo's anyone ever seen demo's of any swirl patten Ric-Tic's as in Al Kent - Way You Been Acting Lately??
  4. LOL!! now your just showing off..............kin nice though. The best i seen on here so far reading through this thread is the Inez & Charlie Fox "Tightrope" just love this tune to bits. Anybody put up a Leon Haywood "Reconsider" promo???..............rare as hens teeth is this also Tony Clarke "Landslide" Chess promo and me thinks the hardest one to get hold of these days has just got to be Eddie Parker's "Love You Baby" Ashford promo..........
  5. Sam Fletcher!! OMG!! does this 45 get right on my tits. Somebody try to explain to me where this 45 fits the bill on a dance scene, and whats more its shite tripe!!
  6. Oh well my theory dashed.......still feckin sounds like the same lead vocal to me though and not just slightly...alot. Billy Frazer.....Youth Opportunity program..............what the devil is with this one?? sure somebody knows.
  7. Valentinos - Womack & Womack Norman Johnson &/ or The Showmen - Chairman Of The Board/ AKA General Johnson The Velours - Frankie Vallie + 4 Seasons.......( just my little theory)
  8. "BOBA" & "DOBBER" There got to be a wise crack in that somewhere just cant seem to get my head in gear to find it
  9. So what you are saying is that you are basically "T" cutting the bad vinyl away and leaving fresh polished new vinyl in the same way you would polish out scratches on car paint work?? Yeah i can see that working to restore the "look" of a 45 but it aint gonna remove any hiss or clicks as they are inside the grooves themselves, but as a way of restoring the shine yes it would work me thinks
  10. If its just dust/dirt clogging up the grooves and not actual faint scratches which you can do nothing about then just keep on playing on repeat for a dozen times stick it in a bag take it somewhere where there is compressed air lines used to blow away metal turnings or the like i.e. an engineering shop and just blow away till your hearts content......word of warning though dont let air get under any lifting paper label kind of affair as its the last time you will see it if you know what i mean.
  11. Personally cannot see for the life of me what the problem is here, most seem to think that the scene is flooded with nighters week in week out but that is so wrong. Since the new year i think ( i maybe wrong) there has been 2 nighters on : Manchester and Gloucester and the fact that there is now 3 nighters on in one weekend i agree is not the best made plans by promoters but it is what it is. Rugby is well established and its attendance on the night i would say will not be affected by the other two which are first time events, one being run by a well established promoter and to which you know what you will get - Kings Hall just a different location - Which to me is spot on, its how i like my northern soul, and the other hoping that the lure of days gone by in a mega venue will bring in the crowds, which i am sure it will as in todays scene the lure of a little nostalgia does bring in rewards financially. But when all said and done you makes your choice and to be honest if there was no choice then we would be in a sorry situation having to go to a nighter just because its all thats on........bring on the choice so we can make our own minds up.....the established will remain and the one offs that loose money on the night or are just plain crap will remain one offs never to be seen again......but please give me the choice anyways. Just as a side issue i STILL have not for sure made my mind up where i am going....it will be one of the 3 that are on but which who knows.....and seriously i was even thinkin of going to all 3!! ffs!! My feelin on this is as follows, i believe that Rugby is where the people i "hang" about with at nighters..you know just have the crack with will be, but me thinks for my taste at any rate the best place will be Blackpool but i am going Kings Hall so same as, and Derby me thinks could be quite a good night if the attendance is what it will need to be to make it good. Who knows??
  12. Defo not booted. Paper on styrene cant remember dead wax. What i do know is the other side "Aint That Love Enough" is feckin awesome!!
  13. Whats your ball park price for cecil washington
  14. Mainly sixties U.S. Motownesk, sung mainly by black artists but not Exclusive too, with a beat that makes it different to "soul" 22!! not bad........it cannot be done in ten!!
  15. You gotta tell us all now so we can all laugh at your "new taste" For once i actually think Bearsy might have gotten it bang on!! You gotta laugh!!
  16. OooErr mrs!! Now that does give the OVO crowd a big dilemma does it not.......if SIR is to all intense and purpose from what you are saying a bootleg then it cant be played according to the 2011 revised bible of "soul Policing Of DJ's" as it states and i quote :- " if a dj plays a tune, even some 30 years after being discovered and played, and thought of being of legendary status amongst dancers and collectors and is later to be found that the said tune is/was in fact a non original/bootleg, then the said dj MUST be removed from the decks forthwith and his/her name published through out all forms of media." It goes on to say after alot of legal rubbish " after all investigations are complete then the said record must be written out of northern soul records data base, and must never be played at an event EVER again or heard again by the followers" Myself i dont give a flying ....... its still streets ahead of Rose Batiste.
  17. U.S. Ebay. BUY IT NOW OR BEST OFFER £178.28p Usual Flip Flop labels.......but this seems like an absolute bargain to me, has to be in todays market place thick end of £400 i would have thought??
  18. I gotta see this "Big Stiffy" ......... on a female??
  19. Rose Batiste on both counts "I Miss My Baby" And "Hit And Run" are IMHO utter *ANK.....Whereas Doni Burdick on both counts is in a different league "Bari Track" best Instro ever!! has the lot!! and "I Have Faith In You" well what can one say apart from any singer who kicks Mr. Hatcher into touch is doing something right.......just a perfect heartfelt soulfull sad tune that hits the spot every time i hear it. £600+ you gotta laugh at this though as there ARE scores if not hundreds of copies ( Big *uck off ARCHER stamp in dead wax ) about. Loughborough Town Hall around 84' ish.....Roger Banks......Complete minter.....£7.00!!
  20. Oh yes it is possible to have a fav. There are many that just do it for me, the ones that make you/force you to dance, the ones with big memories attached to them and all that sort of stuff but for me there is one record that stands WAY above all others........ Willie Hutch......Love Runs Out....i have on thinking about it no reason i can put my finger on as to why this is so it just is my all time number one track......end of!!
  21. In my opinion anything that has gained UK legit release ( legit meaning new label concerned have brought the rights to re-release and artist/s have been payed ) is 100% ok to spin as not only a proper release but also as in most cases a UK original!! Grapevine (70's) being best example of this rule. Just a thought though on this. If no other DJ at your event concerned has an original of any record you care to mention but you happen to have it on a boot or album track and a tune is requested then ffs!! play whatever it is you got it on, after all unless its been recorded inside a skip nobody on the dance floor with give a fiddlers.........believe me.
  22. tough one to put a price on really. Pat Brady has one at the moment on set sale in the Detroit section for £150 which i think is a bit steep but in todays crazy world of northern soul i think you would be looking at £100 all day long. Got mine for £2.50p off Rob Smith at Oddfellows many years ago
  23. it has to be the first time i ever heard the salvadors "Stick By Me Baby" omg i thought, i cannot get any better than this........it did.....but ffs what a buzz
  24. Who E.Rodney Jones............
  25. If i could help in any way i would but no records left so to speak to donate, but it just goes to show what a wonderful scene we have got here.......its not just coz its xmas this would type of selfless non rewarding attitude would happen if it was middle of August. Top marks to all on this.

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