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Everything posted by Dazdakin

  1. This is funny, all this and all the payin punter wants is to dance to the music thats inside the grooves, no matter from what grooves it comes from. Havin said that i made myself look a complete tw*t at Cleethorpes weekender. A well known respected DJ of long standing was doing an immense spot when he flicked on Billy Woods, now me being a collector who knows his onions was just a wondering....is it?? i hopped up to the decks to be greeted with the bootleg white promo doing the turns on the deck. Shock horror and i gave him a knowing look of "i did not think it would be" What a tw*t i suddenly became (again!!) as he pulled from his DJ box a fookin mint multi coloured ISSUE!! in company sleeve.....he then proceeded to give me that same knowing look i gave him 30secs earlier, i just smiled and crawled back from where i came from...........never gonna do it again!! lesson well and truly learned.
  2. Not so long ago.......just before an average £20/£40 original suddenly became £500+ (85' ish) boots/pressings used to be played ALL the time at EVERY venue. I will reserve judgement on the yes/no as its far more complicated than that but i would like to know what is the difference between then and now? Surly it cannot just be the increase in value of 45's. Just to light the touch paper further more though.........Grapevine(80's) and Destiny released lots of proper rare tracks with (i think) all the legal rights to do so, so therefore would they not be British originals?? and OK to play?? No difference on the above is there between Art Freeman on Fame and British Atlantic/ Inspirations on Black Pearl and Polydor in the UK etc.....etc..... hundreds of examples. On Carvers i think its fine if NO original has ever been issued and is only available on some "found" master tapes or whatever format so long as no vinyl has ever been cut.
  3. Depends what "Motown" 45's are on the playlist though surly?? I collect Motown in a big way and yes there is the ones everybody knows even the ones we would call "Northern"......remember one thing Motown/Tamla/Soul/Gordy/V.I.P./ etc...are ALL just record labels under one umbrella......"Motown" I know, i could do an hour spot at any venue (all dancers) and you would not know it was "Motown" that was being spun.
  4. Been done a million times already mate so the can of worms really can and have on several occasions turned into rattle snakes so it just aint worth it. Its swings and roundabouts, or another mans poison is one mans medicine etc.... So best leave it be me thinks......... Nah ..........F*** that!! HE IS CORRECT...........End of!!
  5. Styrene or Vinyl.......i'm guessing at vinyl, PM me and depending on it's value (to you) i will sort it for you.........but it's never risk free.
  6. Mike, it's called debate and chit chat. If it was just a forum about what people only liked then it would be called a "Love in". Me thinks you are tryin to censor what people say on whatever the subject maybe to the point that it is now becoming just not worth the bother/hassle. Shame really.
  7. Dave Rimmer has one for sale NOW. pm him
  8. Take note people, this is a proper reply to ALL the posts on this subject, read them all and this is the best. I am in the "Moses Smith" corner......loved it 30 yrs ago and love it just as much, if not more so today.Myself i am a proper dinosaur when it comes to what i want to hear at a nighter and just because at some venues they play sounds with which we all grew up with.......so what?? Hopefully got Imbers jist in what he was sayin, i think it goes something along the lines of so feckin what, i like this, you like that, but we are both here........pleased to meet you. Me and Imber had a good natter at Cleethorpes about this very threads subject and i think (hope) we agreed to disagree but with the most important thing left well and truly in place.......RESPECT for another persons view and taste and how people have differing thoughts on what is right and what is wrong. Darren.
  9. Don't keep us in suspense Dave, what are the 3 TMG 500's your missing??
  10. Rarest i ever owned........i think?? was a Major Harris - Call Me Tomorrow.........hang on,hang on..........On Vinyl!! not styrene moulded on label - never heard of or seen another one like it. Biggest in terms of value i would say has to be Larry Clinton..........ok thats the dick swinging out of the way. As for my most treasured it would be The Imaginations - S - N'hood purely because it cost a fiver, sounded/sounds the bollox, and the label is pure art work.
  11. Oh my, who please tell so we know what we may be on the lookout for.........the more people that know better the chance of some sort of recovery.......me thinks.
  12. LOL!! i thought it was a typo error c/w meaning Casino/Wigan!! Doh! Country and Western ........TW*T
  13. Started going nighters very young myself (2mths short of being 14!!) so thats 30+ yrs and to be honest with you friend all i can say and wish for is that you know of another 1000 or so young souls like yourself to keep this scene, we all love,going. Keep coming!! bring a mate or two, eventually one will be hooked and he/or her will bring a couple and hey presto!! we have a revival on our hands!!
  14. Sam Fletcher Troy Dodds Wade Flemmons (Other Place) These 3 piles of dross have got no "northern soul" whatsoever in them. At very best should be left for the chill out stuff played at home on your at the end of a long weekend......at very best!! WTF!! The Present and the Sweet are to me just the bollox when it comes to producing dance floor action and atmosphere producing moments that will live long in my memory, granted, not alot of soul in them but thats why i love Northern Soul. Having said that it's each to their own and all that. Wombat - = Kin' Awesome!!
  15. Pm'd you.
  16. Never went, had the choice or should i say option to go but decided not to bother. Just did not fancy it if truth be told, but that is a choice i would like to be able to keep..........nothing nasty or political but people do have a choice. Don't think that it being on a Fri had anything to do with lack of souls on show as contrary to what you said Fri night nighters used to be the norm and just as frequent as Sat nighters, though granted not so these days. If true though what i have been hearing about the night was that apart from the lack of people the music was good but the venue was not so good and the management were wan***s shutting the venue down at 4am because the bar takings was not going to make them rich on the night........WTF is that all about?? Have to say i feel very sorry for the promoters and i hope that if this is true then they did NOT pay for the use of the venue.
  17. And..........And..............It's a proper fooooking god awful excuse for a Northern tune
  18. R.C.A.'s Jumpin' At The GoGo - Just in a different league for quality. And, Grapevines - Talk Of The Grapevine ( The one with Fluffy Fulana on it ) Kents Scepter/Wand release Out On/In The Streets
  19. Right this is getting on my tits now!! Does anybody know of a web site that gives (FREE !!) a complete U.S. Motown & all it's other labels track listings?? Thought this would be a simple one to search for myself but hey diddle diddle it's not so easy to source as i first thought it would be
  20. £45 notes for a Gary Haines very good look -a- like bootleg is when you think about it not bad money seeing as its dog hard to get hold of a copy and it would not surprise me in the least if it was not an awful lot rarer than most originals of any record below £250 and there is the added bonus of it at least being on vinyl not styrene. Discuss!!
  21. Soul Sounds label boots were done by a bloke called Jeff King (or at least distributed by him) and they was pressed in the back streets of Leicester behind the old "Night Owl" venue.............so there!!
  22. The top one is defo proper - cleaner lines and much tighter printing on the lettering used, but that is not to say the one below is defo not real as it could be, its all in the dead wax like previous poster has said. Generally on these a 3turn dead wax = proper anymore and its a lookalike boot.
  23. It was then a quick hop skip and a jump over to Arena 2 to catch the tail end of the Lifeline extravaganza. Cliff was on when we got there and so was the heating! OMG I have never known anything like it Not many in but the music was top notch. Mick followed Cliff and by the end of his set there was about 10 of us left and we were all in agreement that a great time was had by all. Some of you would say it would be impossible for that few people in a room the size of a small country to have a fantastic time. Well those who were there will tell you otherwise. A dozen smiling, happy, sweaty faces had to be kicked out of there by the Pontins staff - all of us shouting for one more record. It was ace! ***************************************************************************************** I have to agree with what you said, not many in and all that, and me being an out and out oldies kind of guy i sat down utterly knackered ready for a little chill time and then Mick H treated me and i guess the others in the room (not many) that to my ears was all new and just feckin' brilliant!! i mean every single 45 he played just blew me away to be honest and i have no idea what it was - been told it was 70's crossover (rare) AWESOME STUFF!!
  24. As far as i am aware Young Ethan did not win he came in second place the winner being a lady dancer of the highest quality, still a little messy right now and her name has vanished.
  25. Never done as many dayers as nighters...(who has!!) but two stick in my memory as awesome. Birmingham power house(Lacarno) And i think it was a one off but it was truly fantastic..........Tic Toc club in Coventry.

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