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Everything posted by Dazdakin

  1. Many thanks all, don't suppose any of you has a scan of this BARI Boot??
  2. "ALL THE TIME"...........Has it ever been put onto vinyl??...........What a frikin toon!!
  3. Think about 83' ish at the Parr Hall on same night it goes like this: Soloman King green & White mint Demo, Imaginations fraternity demo, Ben Zine west coast 2 Shields demo, these 3 off Richard Shaw. Moved to next box of 45's from whom i don't know, Lou Ragland Travel Alone Demo, Cobblestone, and a red & white Alexander Patton...........All fricken 5 of them £180!! Best Bargains though compared to todays prices, black metros since i found, Donna Colman, Constellations, and 2x Wade Flemmons jenettes from under the counter working at Ally Mayors indoor market record shop in Leicester, It was a tenner a day cash in hand and help yourself from under the counter!!!.........in other words all for nothing!!
  4. Marvellettes - Only Your Love Can Save Me Gladys Knight & Pips - The Stranger Stevie Wonder - I Want My Baby Back
  5. Kev, i for one adore kings hall, blackpool x 2 venues, the music the packed attendances and all that goes with it, i have not one problem with it being the way you make a living these day's, not one problem, but please Kev, you must be able to see that the way it ended at Blackpool is just not on, not the way it's done, never has before and never should it do so again. Forget the politics mate and just look at what it looks like...........a bit of a BBQ knees up.........just wrong Kev.
  6. Kings hall is my thing, Blackpool i love, any venue that plays mainly good old fashioned northern DANCE soul does it for me, at the same time i go all over the country to other venues that play all the mixtures we seem to have on the scene these days and enjoy myself just as much..............BUT..........................this is the first time i have viewed this clip and to be frank with you all it kind of makes me feel a little ill, it's just not what the scene is all about and it defo don't need the 2am time to go home wedding bash effect. Not read all the post's about this but am taking a stab in the dark that nobody who participated in this shambles has come on to try to defend or give reasons as to why they thought this would be a really neat kind of way to behave at what is supposed to be a northern event and not a fooking wedding!! FFS!! what is wrong with some people??
  7. Monitors - Time Is Passin By - Soul Ivy Joe - I Can Feel The Pain - V.I.P. PM with Price. Thanks.
  8. It's a funny scene we have ourselves here, is it not?? "Hate the Tomangoes".... Really??........You wanna sell it!! Bob & Fred "Best record of the night" Oh how i hate this record, it really does make me want to vomit. Proper rammell, but hey ho and flick a tic tac to whatever floats your boat and top man for playing a tune that you genuinely dislike, not many jocks do that these day's.
  9. Barbara McNair - "You're Gonna Love My Baby" Motown (map) issue VG+++ Both labels and vinyl are spot on, one of the best i have seen £70 Kim Weston - "A Thrill A Moment" Gordy issue VG Label is Good Vinyl has superficial surface marks, nothing deep or affecting play £30 pm for payment details or for any other info.
  10. Had A rethink on this and have decided its not the Drifter!! Unlike most of you's it seems in terms of the best version, but i think it's Doni Burdick not Edwin Starr's version of "I Have Faith In You" that is THE most soulful record there is and that you can boogie to as well.
  11. Ray Pollard "The Drifter" Ooooo!! now that is soul, full on emotion and sung like the mans life was actually torn to bits at some point.
  12. Well i'm am sfraid to say that until the powers that be on here give us back "OUR" refosoul it's all we got for now!!
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-R_wOlfVLu0 There you go soulboy. Enjoy it!!
  14. Have no idea which came first but for me Alice Clark's "You Hit Me" knocks the living sh** out of Kim Weston's version. And while we are at it Four Seasons "I'm Gonna Change" over the Velours for me/ Prophits over Creation/Jimmy McFarland over Mavin Gaye.
  15. Funny as f**k!! Sam is the man!! knows more about rare soul than most of us have forgot, and he just "knows" what and when to play a tune. His Motown spot on Sat. was fantastic, nothing mad rare, most if not all he played everybody there would have known, and it was all dance music, which is what the tower is all about. Not the place for rare soul fanatics, forget the quality,just feel the beat And he made my night by playing "Ghost In My House"
  16. Last but one, Unknown "The Right Kind" Sounds very much like Benny Curtis and has a similar groove to "Dirty Hearts" Who know's? but it could just well be the man!!
  17. Used to be a nighter called the Oddfellows (You may remember it!!) Brian Rae (oldies) Dave Evison (oldies) Gary Rushbrooke (Rare Underplayed) Tony Clayton ( Mixture of rare and shit) Adam (70's Classics and current new releases) Keb Darge (Unknown C/U's 6T's Newies Ally Mayor ( Mixture of all of the above) + one Guest each month - Alan Walls - Robin Salter - Keith Minshall - Chris King - Rob Smith etc.... How's that for a mixture of our music under one roof? The main point though being it was ALL "Northern Soul" This line up was not a one off it was THE line up (resident DJ's) just before the 2nd anniversary until it's closer.
  18. The "scene" as it is at the moment is doing just about ok without the need for a massive rethink on music policy...especially for an "ATB" policy as it does not and would not work UNLESS your talking an atb policy of northern soul i.e. Oldies/Rarer Under played/New 6T's discoveries (if they are any good and not just new and rare as this does not mean that they are any good) with a mix of R&B and some of the Funk stuff that the likes of Mick "H" can spin. All of the above can and have in years past lived in the same room, but it has to be what we all would deem to be "northern" otherwise you can shove it!!
  19. Exciters - Reaching For The Best For me if you did not know it was a Levine production you would not guess it was, which i feel you can in an awful lot of his work, not to say it aint no good, just not for me. But "reaching" is for me far much more than a Levine production, it's a van load of memories which will live with me till the day i depart. 2 upper most memories are standing on the stage at Morcombe Pier second anniversary, 1200+ souls, 2.30am and the place just taking off......dont matter who you are you cannot produce that atmosphere, it just occurs. And the other being at most Hinckley Leisure Centre Nighters as it always (i seem to remember) proceed Eddie Holmans "This Will Be A Night To Remember" Again priceless memories to me. And as a side issue without Levine's input and forever lasting history he has had on our scene the phrase "gone stale" would have had a whole new meaning on our scene.........it would not had evolved in to what it has become today as it would not have lasted up until today!! Besides that though the man's list of first play's or discovery's is just mind blowing. He get's my thanks just for the Malibus "Gee Baby" and Lada Edmunds "The Larue" fu** me!! goose bumps. Cheers Ian.
  20. Thanks for that Simon, do remember you telling me about her indoors but forgot....sorry, no rush take your time. ATVB Daz.
  21. You know that has been said before about myself. How you doing Simon? you get my PM on that Edwin Starr??
  22. Working on one as we speak!! Guy across the yard to me where i work did go to the Wheel BITD went to Major Lance live at the Torch, did a few Casino's in the early years etc....I have known all of this for a number of years when last Friday afternoon he just popped out with " i got hundreds!! of old soul 45's upstairs, mostly British with the odd import thrown in"..........At this point i have to say i had a proper poker face on but inside i was just about to burst ffs!! "What sort of sounds you got" i inquired in my best "so what" kind of attitude, then he just blew me away. Get this!! British red & Whites of Carrols/Shane Martin/Garnett Mimms/Alexanda Fooking!! Patton!! Oh and also ALOT!! of Motown Red & Whites!! TMG'S 500's!! Best bit is next though, wants to off load, knows they are worth an awful lot more than he paid, says he has around 400 or so.........take the lot if you want for £500.......said i would think on it and let him know on Monday.

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