A little off topic but in the the right area i think.
At the last Derby Assemblies i was outside having a smoke, as you do, when this women who i did not know but had seen around for a number of years for some apparent reason just asked the question straight out, "You are arnt ya mi duck"? ......."what"?......."Gay"......After i had picked myself up off the floor and found the composure to ask why she would think this, all she said was look at how you are standing, look at how you are holding the smoke inbetween your thumb and forth finger.......the situation was addressed pronto after realising i was leaning against a concrete pillar with my right hand taking my weight, my right leg crossed over and infront of my left.........think you get the picture.
After several visits outside that night and EVERY time she was there also, i never did even come close to convincing her that i was not gay.
I have told this story since to my partner who has never been to or interested in going to a nighter...ever, and the response i got was not what i expected. " Oh it's just the way you are, lot's of people have asked me if you are bi" WTF!! "you do at times slip into a feminine posture and don't realise it"
Point being i suppose is you are what you are and nothing you do to try and change it will ever change it, it really don't matter if you are this or that and more's the point in this day and age why should we give a fiddlers what people are so long as we get on?
Just to add though.........I AM NOT GAY................i think