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Everything posted by Dazdakin

  1. After my collection got cherry picked by a few select of my choice sold the rest in one go to Mr. Brady back in 88' and he gave me good prices even way back then. Best thing nowadays i think is to pick out the rarest most valuable 45's you got, the ones you want going rate for (ish) and give them to any of the main dealers to stick on one of their auctions. You will get going rate + that little bit extra. Take off whatever the % the individual dealer wants - max 20% of final price and you will get around whatever you would get off of ebay or wherever. The rest of the 45's anything from £20 up to a £100 make a list and sell them yourself!
  2. Proff - Look At You Sensations - Demanding Man It don't or cannot get much better than this, can it??
  3. Eh you never know there might be that elusive many times rumoured but never actually seen "other Casino footage" lurking in there.........somewhere..........but then again...........
  4. Jimi Hendrix rip off wanna be me think's
  5. I used to have a Major Harris Demo on vinyl with no stamped matrix only scratched and a moulded "in" not "on" label, only one i have ever seen like it.
  6. Looked at this yesterday and was gonna bang a bid on, but, the seller clearly states 2nd issue (boot) with copy labels on it. Can't be no clearer really can he? Have to admit though those copy labels are damn good one's and if he was not so honest many peeps would be fooled. Side note. original is vinyl boot is styrene and a closer look it does look kinda styrene looking.
  7. It's a toss up between two for me.......Lada Edmund Jr - Larue and Susan Barratt - Whats It Gonna Be F***ing Quality 2am off your tits go for it tunes.....
  8. Red issue on Vinyl not styrene = Original.
  9. At home or in the car and maybe the odd soul night then anything does to be honest but when it comes to a nighter then for me, personally speaking, in my honest opinion, what does it for me..........just covering all my bases here, then i am a proper dinosaur. 60's top 500 all night long for me.........i know it's not for some but it's defo the way i like it.
  10. Damn!! just pipped me there!!
  11. the latest suspicion recording on the lookalike SOUL label is i believe the same take as the first one done many moons ago ...84" ish on a white label. But whatever you get it on it was never actually issued legally, they are all boots.
  12. https://45-sleeves.com/index.html Check this out mate, different class, not only can it supply original 60's sleeves it also tell's you exactly what sleeve design go's with what label. e.g. VIP yellow with the two black lines going across the label used a different sleeve than the just plain yellow VIP.......and so.
  13. A little off topic but in the the right area i think. At the last Derby Assemblies i was outside having a smoke, as you do, when this women who i did not know but had seen around for a number of years for some apparent reason just asked the question straight out, "You are arnt ya mi duck"? ......."what"?......."Gay"......After i had picked myself up off the floor and found the composure to ask why she would think this, all she said was look at how you are standing, look at how you are holding the smoke inbetween your thumb and forth finger.......the situation was addressed pronto after realising i was leaning against a concrete pillar with my right hand taking my weight, my right leg crossed over and infront of my left.........think you get the picture. After several visits outside that night and EVERY time she was there also, i never did even come close to convincing her that i was not gay. I have told this story since to my partner who has never been to or interested in going to a nighter...ever, and the response i got was not what i expected. " Oh it's just the way you are, lot's of people have asked me if you are bi" WTF!! "you do at times slip into a feminine posture and don't realise it" Point being i suppose is you are what you are and nothing you do to try and change it will ever change it, it really don't matter if you are this or that and more's the point in this day and age why should we give a fiddlers what people are so long as we get on? Just to add though.........I AM NOT GAY................i think
  14. Awesome!! where an earth did you find this? It's very similar to the old juke box player that was around a few years back but sadly is no longer with us...........now this was awesome, it had every soul/northern/funk record ( in full) that i think we know about.......even stuff we did not no about!!
  15. Hmmm..........pissed off now!! Quality play list there my friend, wished i had gotten off my arse and made the trip now.
  16. Always thought the yellow vinyl ric-tic of edwins "agent double o soul" was a boot leg. 3rd lot of scans from the top.
  17. Did not think to even look at Gemm, cheers mate. ATB. Darren.
  18. Arthur Conley " I Can't Stop (No,No,No) - FAME
  19. Hmmmm............ I might be and do feel a little stupid asking this but..........that sure as hell is not Jerry Williams singing "If You Ask Me".........please enlighten me as to who it is??
  20. Does that mean Ted that a Jimmy Bo Horn is winging it's way down the chimney pot for xmas!! Nice one mate!!
  21. F**k me Simon that set there is even more valuable than that lot i looked at at the kings hall nighter, fantastic set of quality rare soul there bud..........now lets add it all up!!
  22. RCA Stockers, Multi Coloured V.I.P., DERBY, DESIREE, CANTERBURY West Coast Promo's - so precise, perfect printing, glossy labelling.
  23. "Cat piss, to a pint of Guiness" fooking genius :D It's good to laugh your tit's off at a comment on a computer screen..........brilliant.
  24. Ivy Joe " I CAN FEEL THE PAIN" OMF*****GG!!! What, i say WHAT!! a tune.
  25. Cheers all, !!

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