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Everything posted by Dazdakin

  1. It's rarer than you think, you don't see many about today.....never have.
  2. f*ck' in ell!! Cheap as chips is that, thought i got mine cheap (a minter) but this is real cheap.
  3. I went to a dayer in COVENTRY about 83/84ish at a place called the tic toc club, all I remember about it was it was busy and I got a copy of Cindy Scott love you baby veep issue for £15!!
  4. It used to be only a couple quid so not sure if it's "cheap, don't care" tab applies but to my ears one of the greatest cheap one's is Four Sonics - Tell Me Your Mine.........absolute quality in every aspect.
  5. Re Keb, it was tony Galla "in love" and the reason he done it was because nobody was dancing to it when he first played it so he took it upon himself to keep playing it until "you fucks will dance to this" a sort of quick education on what's good!!
  6. Yeah i know, i did say but i do rant on and on and on.........think it's called being passionate about an issue. point taken though. Daz.
  7. Quality i to would not have been able to resist that if i had read it.........what a plonker i am, but hey ho, you get my point.......i think??
  8. No, what i am sayin is if we all agree that auction prices like ebay and manships are well over the price you would pay someone cash at a nighter or wherever then what is the price of a record?? As a base reading for any value it needs to be black and white - manships price guild - agree on percentage of a general rule of thumb for ALL 45's sold through auctions - i guess around 35% on a mint 45 and there you go, true values in black and white. If you want to pay more then that's up to any individual and most of us i guess have payed over the odds for a 45 just to get it. It's all pie in the sky nonsense anyway as it's a buyers market and the rarity or not does not really have any bearing on a price paid.
  9. Have to agree with fluff on this, sat nighters is the life blood of the entire scene, whatever pigeon hole form of music style your into. On a side issue my head is starting to hurt again at the reference to the top 500 being used as another way of saying shit oldies being over played week in week out, and rare and under played being used as some sort of northerm soul nervana!! Ffs 60% if not more of Ted s Mick h Andy d mace westerns and many more jocks I could mention all play quality rare oldies that are ALL in the top 500. I fail to see the point in basically putting 45s like Lester Tipton, Larry Clinton,Nabay,Eddie parker, and a thousand others of like in the bin because they are like it or not top 500 yet rockin horse shit rare and played week in week out, if you lose these 45s from any nighter you mention then the scene is well and truly had it and will be given over to the elitist brigade where boredom freely reigns. Yesterday I watched some 300 dancers rock the dance floor to Frankie vallie your ready now and dobbie gray out on the floor and you know what? They sounded fantastic. Over played oldies? Don't think so, not heard either out for at least 10 yrs
  10. Ok, lets wrap this up and simply say and ALL agree to this one rule when selling vinyl, whether a collector or an out and out dealer. Manships 5th edition is what we will call the "book" price, Take the price in the book eg: £100 subtract 35% giving a Soul Source members price of £65......IF the record is in mint condition, if not subtract an extra 5% for every record grade scale less mint. Most have or have access to the manship guild so from now on we all know exactly what we will now pay, not even a need to put prices next to the sales in future only the condition!! God.....thank fuk for simplicity, now if we can all agree on this job's a good'un!! Pig's where seen yesterday at Wellingboro' dayer don't you know?? sadly they was not flying. More chance of being bitten by a Tulip than this ever happening me thinks. Discuss.
  11. is it/ does it mean in terms of rarity, it is far more rarer than the usual issue as i have never seen one like this before but have seen 100's literally of the usual issue??
  12. sean chapman has a nice G/W demo of helen shapiro £300
  13. Would normally agree with you on it being a later release than the 67' issue purely on label design alone, only the matrix numbers are bang the same as the 67' release??
  14. never seen one before on this type of Gordy only ever on the "it's what's in the groove's that count's" Gordy. What's going on? Any info appreciated. Thank's Daz.
  15. " Northern Soul " = A particular, and hard to explain beat within a musical production, usually, but not limited to, less than 3mins in length. Not a necessity to have any "Soul" content within it's production whatsoever, again it's the beat of the music which defines whether or not it's northern soul. Unless an artist has been told otherwise, nobody has ever gone into a recording studio to produce a northern soul record, it really is just magic!! it just happens, again, northern soul is just a beat, we all know that beat, not many, if anyone can explain what it is. It is why we have and without them we would be at a loss, so many white, non soul artists, country western/reggie/R n R/ that have all left a recording studio thinking they have produced what they have always produced, yet having no idea what it is that they have actually produced until 20/30yrs down the line, and when being told this they still say " what is northern soul?" In short, it is, and will continue to be the biggest underground dance music scene the world has ever known, even with the films,books,newspaper worthy sums of money being spent for some 45's, it will remain in the main underground, as the story, if it has one cannot be told to people that dont get it.
  16. Oh err!! Sorry if i have offended anybody with my "One of the best experiences" but i did not realise it was only aimed at it being a musical experience, having said that without the chemicals i don't think any memorable experience i have had would be that memorable without it, i could be wrong for sure, i wouldn't know though as i have never done one without the other. Best, Daz.
  17. Dont no about "E" but in the same kind of league i guess. 2 X red/browns + 2 X B,B's (Durophet......yeah baby!!) 1hr before jumping on the train to Clifton Hall 1st Anniversary........Oh my god!! lift OFF!!
  18. Not tryin' to say "are you sure" but if one M.Pier nighter is to stand out then it has to be the 2nd Anniversary? the place was on rails all night, the 3rd?? Anyways i could be wrong, i often am. The sad untimely and sudden loss to the scene that was Pete Lawson......f**k me we used to have a ball. Oddfellows 2nd Anniversary - OMG!! you had to be there - as a side issue it also placed Keb. D. firmly at the top of the DJ standings on that night. Whoever first played the Profs - Look At You
  19. Take it you like it just a tad then ?? West coast does look rather cool, but then it's let down by it being nasty styrene!!
  20. seen all and had most over the years (prefer demo's myself) but have never seen a judy freeman stocker, would imagine it's of the orange variety e.g. herb ward??
  21. Lou Raglands flip of "I Travel Alone" "Big Wheel" needs more deck time me thinks.
  22. On the dance floor as follows: Lada Edmund Jr - Larue Susan Barrett - What's It Gonna Be Malibus - Gee Baby Eddie Parker - I'm Gone 4 Sonics - Tell Me Your Mine Remained at these 5 for many many years and it will continue to be unchanged for as long as i can moove and a groove and do ma ting!! Narrow minded?? oh yes!! Bothered?? NO!!
  23. Ray Paige for me folk's

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