Advice On Man's Love Life - FURY Records £35.00
Unusual collectors piece, quite rare in Mint - condition
Bank transfer/cash only........No paypal
free postage to UK
I know they were bitd, i had to endure them at every nighter i went, got right on my tits, but each to their own and all the power to em'.........still dont get it though.
Mid-Tempo v Beat Ballard is the question imho.
Mid tempo can be, should be and generally is still played at every venue on any given weekend, there are a vast amount of quality good mid tempo "dance" tunes around but ffs!! don't get me started on fucking beat ballad shittttte. IT'S a dance scene!! and whilst i may appreciate other peoples ideas on whether or not Sam Fletcher / Troy Dodds / Wade Kin' Flemmons "Other Place" are good northern tunes,i will never agree or understand this opinion, i have always and always will believe they have no place being played at 02:00am on a Sun morning at ANY venue. Absolutely fine and dandy on the way home in your car or whilst pottering about doing the ironing.
My tin hat is on as i also know that the view i hold today not seen as very forward thinking, i'm not forward thinking.
Noooo........that line is already taken and used by Mr. Chapman (used well imho)
Don't know exactly what came over me, must have been the excitement of spinning tunes at was a legendary venue, one of the best nighters there has been.
Did a proper plonker move about a month back.
Weekend before the "error" was on at Nuneaton, all went well no hick ups, the following sat was on at Warrington Parr hall and for some reason, I know not what, I thanked the previous jock span the turntable,tunage kicked in, all was well and good until I got over excited and promptly did some crowd encouragement "come on Nuneaton!!" . . . Twat:-S
Apart from outside the odd fellows aka curly, Stacey,monk,and Mr Philis getting proper stuck into a load of what turned out to be west ham fans Clifton hall was a fucking absolute brill nighter but ffs!! Those locals were one seriously pissed off bunch!! Remember walking from train station the night of the first anniversary and got the complete run around for at least an hour by about 10 horrible looking zipped up punks, spikey hair and red tartan trousers. We legged it!! We was only 16 17 18 and shit ourselves.
Great night though I remember, and many others at Clifton hall.
Think I have read all the posts on this subject and there is one thing that I don't think has been mentioned.
Agreed, slightly suspect on his description yet there is not one outright lie been told. And we on here who know just by looking at picture whether or not its an original ( I do and sure most others do also ) will not be tempted to bid just in case.
But am I the only person thinking that the highest bidder may well know just as much as I or others do on here and may well be very happy with the price he is gonna pay knowing that its a 70,s lookalike? Therefore with the knowledge he (may) have, is not being conned.
Everybody happy, no harm done.
Just a thought.
Condition would be a good place to start, maybe a minimum price also just to give everybody an idea where our stupidity v reality is against yours.
Why so aggressive?
Good god man your trying to sell - like you say - a proper rare 45 and its like your talking to a load of school kids.
Personally speaking the ones mentioned so far are easy to spot, ie Gary Haines, Detroit land apples, Salvadors, James bounty, because NONE of them have any kind of original matrix stamping on them like the Nashville italic. If it ain't got it it ain't pucker no matter how good it may look.
Billy gee - in the name of the bag (fantastic under played rare one) m- £230
Ravenettes - since you been good/talk about soul - Surfine vg++ £30
Luther Ingram - if its all the same to you babe (70's lookalike HIB) M- £30
Ronnie & robin - as long as you love me. . / Sidras theme (70's boot) £20
Payment : bank transfer / cash
Pm if interested
The United Four - She's Putting You On - Harthon VG+/M- £40
Volcanos - Storm Warning - Artic VG+/M- £20
Inspirations - Touch Me, Hold Me, Kiss Me - Black Pearl M- £20
Johnny Mirage - New Love - J-V M- £65
Dean Courtney - I'll Always Need You - RCA (Orange Import) M- £20
Lorraine Chandler - I Can't Hold On - RCA (Orange Import) M- £20
Roy Hamilton - Cracking Up Over You - RCA (Orange Import) M- £20
PM if interested in any above.
PAYMENT Cash or Bank Transfer + £1.50 P/P
Otis Clay - show place
O'jays - I'm So Glad I Found You - IMO their best track and a real cruncher
Cliff Nobles - Love Is Alright
Showstoppers - What Can A Man Do
Fantastic Johnny C - New Love