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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Thanks for the reply. See you next week.
  2. The time on this flyer is 7pm to 2.00 am is this not correct?
  3. Just seen this news, what a sad day, Mickey was a very knowledgeable guy, always had time for a chat, condolances to Annie and family.
  4. Correct
  5. Pack a bar of soap in your bag, rub it onto your leather soles fo a better grip.
  6. Sadly a friend of mine passed away a few weeks ago, he was buried, on the coffin was a can of Guiness, at the side of the grave was a tape machine and as the coffin was lowered into the grave the The Jam - "Going Underground" played from the tape deck, it just added a touch of humor to a sad day.
  7. The Dells "Make Sure" As the curtains open, Johnny Maestro "I'm stepping out of the picture"
  8. I have just returned from the Stoke Allnighter, I've not been since October last year, I attend Lifeline more than I do Stoke. During the night I wandered into the Windsor Suite and caught Simon Hunt's set, the room and dance floor was fairly busy and IMO he played a great set. I went back into the main room for a while the floor was packed after a while I went back into the Windsor Suite and what I heard blew me away, I didn't know the DJ's name I think he was from Dartford and his set was the one before Rob Smith approx 4am. He was probably halfway through and was playing some fantastic 100mph funky dancers, ( I had not heard them before but I can usually tell by the first few beats if they are dancable or not ) there must have only been fifteen or so people in the room and two or three of us dancing away. Whilst in the main room hundreds danced to same old, had Sam played these they would have gone down a storm, but no, they were lost on a few of us tucked away in a side room in one of the biggest nighters in the country.
  9. Thanks for the info Ian. Yes, Eddie Kendricks, Date With The Rain, brilliant track.
  10. Ian, I know this is a Salsoul thread, you mentioned tracks in different format, here's a demo LP I have had since 1977 and never seen another. I do have few of them on 12" as well. Side 1 Going back to my roots, Lamont Dozier Belfast, Boney M I believe in music, Mass Production Free Spirit, Dennis Coffey Cerrones Paradise, Cerrone Sure can't go to the moon, CJ & Co, Side 2 Love for sale, Boney M Devils Gun, CJ & Co, (Brilliant track) Wings of fire, Dennis Coffey The world is a ghetto, George Benson I feel like I've been livin, Trammps
  11. Peter


    more pics
  12. Peter


    From the album: PIcs

  13. Got most of the originals on vinyl just collecting dust in the bottom of a cupboard, will definetly get this. Thanks
  14. 1. Manchester Ritz, we (Wayne & Jackie Bloe, Paul Hitchin, Douglas, Mac, Hilary Mee, Willie Hunt, NattyNeil, Alan Jackson to name but a few) all used to meet up in a pub called "Paddys Goose" at the side of Chorlton Street bus station for a few pints before the Ritz opened. We didn't miss many and the last one I went to was August Bank Hloiday 1979 with my ex wife who was 5 months pregant with my daughter. 2. Any others that fitted in on a sunday. 3. I can remember going to the Casino one Boxing Day alldayer to see Tommy Hunt we got the bus from Swinton (Manchester) and were eating christmas cake and washing it down with a large bottle of Martinit, (Urrgghh).
  15. Went to the Ritz in Novmeber to see Sharon Jones, the floor had seen better days, wouldn't miss this one for the world, LEVINE out of retirement???
  16. Simon where did you find that clip, it's me in the background on my own again.
  17. Great post Simon, sulphate and pancakes, now theres a thought
  18. Peter

    Sharon Jones And The Dap-Kings

    Sharon Jones And The Dap-Kings. Manchester Ritz November 4th 2010

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