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Everything posted by Tomagnus

  1. Nice writeup! Even if it's not strictly soul scene it maybe also worth mentioning that there's been a couple of mod and scooter events and garage/psyche-oriented dos over the years in Gothenburg. I don't have any exact dates for those. The Soulastatic summer nighter in August is usually one of the highlights of the year. People travelling from the rest of the country, great venue and DJs, meeting up again after the summer, nice time of year too... looking forward to it already! Another slightly related thing, Rodge and Fredrik from Soulful Lounge are now running a record store in the west side of GBG. Have had a lot of good times and met both wonderful and weird people (sometimes both!) over the years...
  2. People seem to have quite different ideas of what the term means here.. My interpretation of "Dirty Northern" would be stuff like: Magnetics - Lady In Green (and 'Heart...' as well) Arthur Willis - The Hurting Is Over Headliners - Looking For A Love Otis Brown - Southside Chicago Caressors - I Can't Stay Away Donna King - Take Me Home The Agents - Trouble
  3. Found the thread here.. Thanks again for the help. Always nice to get a frisbee for the summer holidays.. /Magnus
  4. Thanks solidhit, I almost expected that (though I was hoping not of course).. A bit confusing, since Bernard Williams seems to be original on an orange label..
  5. Hi, Just got myself a copy of this lovely record, sounds fine but I'm unsure of it's status... I was a bit surprised that there seems to be quite little info on the net on Harthon, the various label designs etc. It has the black-on-orange straight Harthon label design. The "Deeper than that" side is labeled as H-140-B, runout groove says (in capitals) "virtue studios phila. pa. usa." and "H-140-B". The record feels a bit like styrene but the labels are moulded over so it's got to be vinyl then (right?).
  6. Thanks Pete! After listening to your podcast, I bought myself a copy of Paul Peek, just got it through the mailbox btw.. Cheers, Magnus
  7. Hi! Sonny Ace - Little Girl.mp3 See you soon, Olof.. and you too, Martin (tomorrow I suppose?)! /Magnus

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