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  1. ^ Nothing? No one recognises the vocal? Any guesses on the actual voice? At the moment I assume the spoken word bit is the same voice as the sung bit, but I could be wrong...
  2. Hi This is my first ever post here, If I'm doing it wrong, then I apologise in advance. Happy to be guided by the regulars here on forum etiquette. An as yet unreleased Chemical Brothers track features a HUGE sample of a Gospel-y sounding soul track - Maybe an Atlantic artist? They already sampled Soul Brothers Six "I'll Be Loving You" (Atlantic Records) in last year's The Darkness That You Fear. The first two minutes of this new track are spoken word, with references to Psalm 23 "through the valley and shadow of death...be in the light... I fear no evil from the lord..." Other snatches of the spoken word section seem to be : ""I know a song...for the old (?)times(?)...To heal, my friend....to heal a stranger from the devil.....And God, hold on to your faith!...You better hold on now!" (x4) After that, the song lyrics seem to go "till we meet again, all my love", "when we say goodbye..." Any ideas, Soul experts? The clip is on Instagram, here (nearly 7 minutes long): https://www.instagram.com/p/CjwEFEBoTyT/

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