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Everything posted by Motownmagic

  1. Crazy world of northern soul, I’d love to know who’s paying these crazy prices. I have the stock copy and a mint promo of John Bowie , I might consider selling both after JM auction price.
  2. I’ve had dealing with this seller, he’s scampster , he refunded me after long time
  3. Yes outa sight all so Donna King and Jerri Hall
  4. Yes that is correct Ted I have the 45
  5. Sorry to disappoint you, I have the Sonatas 45 it definitely some sort of bootleg
  6. This is going to be great event, just seen the post, would love to attend please put me on the reserve list Joan. Thanks
  7. Yes some of the rare soul venues, really awesome tune
  8. Great information thanks for sharing
  9. William Bell….Don’t Stop Now….mint minus £140 Opals…..I’m so afraid …Ex plus £80 The Icemen….It’s time you new….mint minus £400 Mark Williams....House for sale….EMI …Ex writing on label £250 great version of Millie Jackson paypal f/f bank transfer postage £3.50 sign for special delivery £8.00 please pm me thanks for looking
  10. Thank god , no drama how manny archive’s some incredible price’s most week is beyond me having said that if deluded people are bidding crazy prices manny is going to be happy
  11. Thanks for the information it’s very helpful to someone who is not sure
  12. So many scumbags out there just to ruin people lives quite sometime ago at a local soul nite I had two rare records stolen Terri Goodnight on Phelecton and Johnny Hampton on Dotty , both are rare and extremely expensive. And yes you guessed it I never got them back
  13. Some one wanted desperately
  14. No I don’t think price’s are levelling out just quite week for Manny
  15. Rose Batiste , thought it would have gone for more , two great sides
  16. I have mint minus record and picture sleeve, one on Mr Manships sold for nearly £900 pounds crazy price late 90s I had two mint minus copies with picture sleeve couldn’t sale them for £75 pounds each. strange world of northern soul I guess
  17. Your absolute right , don’t turn up for sale these days, I have one not for sale good luck with your want
  18. Two fabulous 45s I have both in mint condition, might be tempted to sale if the big want I’m after deal is concluded. mean while good luck with your want
  19. This seller, we all know who he is , any 45 that will usually sales for £100 he will want £300 on his site. probably the most expensive dealer to exist, you have to be lottery winner to buy from the site
  20. Chris was a great guy and very entertaining DJ he will be missed by everyone on the soul scene RIP Chris
  21. Tops £100 pounds how it’s gone for that kind of money is absolute joke crazy world of northern soul i suppose Totally agree nothing but average
  22. RIP thanks for the thanks for great music
  23. RIP thanks for the great music
  24. Toni Lark seems a lot ‘ I thought around £750 great tune though

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