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Everything posted by TEDDY EDDY

  1. john bowie now sold...
  2. some tunes for sale or trade considered august moon youre together baby ,ogee £200,,cory cornell when you got married gert m-£150 appreciations its better to cry sport m- £700,,creations iwanna talkto you p winley records m- £200 john bowie youre gonna miss a good thing merben wdj copy vg £125 ,,la shell and shellettes check yourself eagle m- ££)30,,,eperts my love is real tag ltd ex £35,,,bobbie brown i gotta have you jacklyn m- £25 theajors lost in acity big 3 m- (awesme £150),, big ella the queen rush ,ex £60 wanted tangeers let my heart and soul must be mint or thereabouts ...thanks for looking pm , or tel 07814877007 ,,,cliff
  3. wanted tony matthews my wish convoy ,,,,willtrade rare60s or cash thanks cliff.....
  4. excuses ,,,tobi lark,,,steve mancha,,, otis lee,, allsold now thanks cliff....
  5. hyperions now sold thanks cliff
  6. for sale the following durettes sweet ,sweet love.svr 250.mint hyperions, why wanna treat me chatahooche mint 550 . steve mancha friday night grooves ville 175 mint, tobi lark challenge my love ...sweep it out in the shed topper mint 400. king earnest you gonna miss me sonic ,mint 200. excuses trick bag vivace ex plus 300. otis lee hard row to hoe quaint mint 700 ,,,, ps the groovesvilee is adj copy,, pm or tel 07814877007 thanks,,,
  7. we were lucky really hving a choice of pete higsons dads moggy traveller or my dads triumph toledo, ido recall one summer when both parents were on holiday i nicked the fir m i worked fors bedford bugger van , we wanted to go to the mecca and wigan as usuall by seven 0 clock there was about seven of us including a16 year old guy hennigan shirley ann tattersall pete higson big dave thomas sue riley , well the girls were dressed to kill as usuall the cassete player hadnew batteries (no ice then matey) and alarge pot of honey spillt allover the van .pete was supposed to clean this up but never bothered (TOP MAN IN HIS DAY) well there was some serious moaning from everyone in the back of the van ,but we got there ok to hear the all important sounds freddie jones ,larue george blackwell,etc,,awesome great memmories great people ,,,
  8. preston foster ,,, do you remember was cory cornell on gert when you got married
  9. tina florence on apt
  10. well said K EEP IT ORIGINAL
  11. noy so simple in the 80s ihad acopy of this which was slightly different to stus copy he bought of pat brady years earlier took somewhere and showed butch both he daid the matrix one was original he thought the other a boot but sound quality was same on both ....i think andy hutchins bought the supposed boot
  12. what about phil ..quinvy and stu tatoo ,,, when they do the harlem rumble it brings tears too my eyes....
  13. its misprint in johns book derek ,not toobad arecord about 50 pounds i spoke too him re this about 12 months ago ihad one for sale ,,sorry cant do asondclip , asyou can see ican barely type best cliff........
  14. i had cpies of this about 12 months ago john manship had some .... phil quinvy got one ,,try him he may sell it
  15. ANYONE HELP WITH THIS ////????????????????????
  16. phil its on manships r.or just play it both sides are on there .....
  17. has anyone got acopy of grand prix roar of the crowd .tina for sale or trade . pm with price please ....
  18. hi ian what do you reckon its worth /? ican give you a number of someone who may sell it glad to see your not selling up ,ring me on my mob..

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