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Everything posted by Bonzo100

  1. A great video of Manchesters history in music,well worth the watch
  2. Never went There but sounds a great club
  3. Remember doing a nighter at the 100 club in 90 s only sound I knew Gwen owens,just say your wanted
  4. So sad and in the words of a great soul song time marches on,we lived the greatest years ever,thank you Motown for the sounds of my life
  5. Glad i went in 1993 to see it how it was
  6. No contest as far as I am concerned,grand boulevard west by a country mile,nothing can compare to Brenda Holloway Every little bit hurts or the contours just a little misunderstanding,could go on and on the time they moved to La mid 70 s it was all but over,till my dying day nothing comes close,having been in the northern scene since 1974i believe all the great sounds were done late 70 s
  7. Rip legend and thanks for the sounds
  8. Fantastic story,he really was a once in a lifetime guy,I have faith in you is awesome
  9. I think we did great voice
  10. We had a club in Norwich devoted to northern called peoples only lasted for five years but what a club
  11. I’m still in to it but I believe around that time it disintegrated people had family’s etc the scooter scene imo brought it back a bit
  12. The scene as we knew it went about80-81 so many fragments,we are all getting older so enjoy it while you can,they can never take your memories
  13. First heard northern at school,we played records instead of having re,big sounds then,landslide Tony Clarke,afternoon of the rhino and the flasher but never classed rlsd as northern,ktf

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