The opening of a New York office may have more of a back story than simply that of Gordy deciding to open one up.
Gordy, after divorcing his first wife ( Thelma) just before Motown was really established, established a relationship with Raynoma. Initially this was a working relationship, but it seems that romance intervened. (Especially on her part).
She was extremely useful to Gordy , as she was very talented in the field of writing music, arranging , charts etc, vocal coaching etc....useful to Gordy as his new operation was expanding.
However, it seems that Raynoma forced Gordy into a marriage that he clearly didn't want, coming off his previous divorce. To the extent that she virtually forced Gordy into a Shotgun Wedding, which saw Gordy running out on her minutes from the Marriage service. Days later he relented, and he agreed to the Marriage. Gordy was at this time heavily involved with a girl called Margaret Norton. He seems to have agreed to marrying Raynoma to keep the Motown operation running smoothly. It seemed a Marriage of convenience. Gordy spent his wedding night with Norton. Gordy continued his affair with Norton. In retaliation, Raynoma had an affair with Sonny Saunders ( Satintones)...maybe others.
This situation caused great difficulties around Hitsville. Probably the final straw was when Raynoma followed Gordy and Norton to a bowling alley, producing a revolver from her handbag.. Apparently Smokey intervened and prevented a major incident.
Raynoma was shipped out to New all extent, banished from Motown's Detroit offices. The set up of a New York office was Gordy's way of offloading this potentially dangerous situation getting out of hand.
The Bootlegging of My Guy of course made Raynoma position untenable .
She has been unfairly overlooked in Motown's early history, her musical abilities helpig Motown to progress musically and operationally.
However, it seems her plan to turn Gordy ( a serial womaniser) into a 9 to 5 faithful, loyal husband was her undoing.