Thanks for that information David.
I know ,and this article mentions, that 2646 is now used for entrance.
When I went in 1994, we entered 2648. I'm not sure when it changed, but I'm glad that that was the situation we found ourselves in...seemed right.
From what I was told, it was Esther who looked after 2648 and the rest, with little interest from Berry. A DJ/collector of this parish, who I was in contact with, explained to me that 2648 was basically LP sleeves stapled to the wall....not much more in type of Musuem type memrobilia in a professional way. I've seen photos of memrobilia in there.....perhaps the new make over set all the artefacts into some kind of order.
When I went, there had been a proper Musuem makeover, with Dr. Rowena Stewart in charge. Ron Swope who we met, was in charge of the operation ( I think that was the case). 2648/46 now had pastel shaded rooms, with various themes, pictures, 45s, LPs sleeves , costumes etc. A video show.
We were invited to the opening of a Jazz Historical Society, a number of Motown related Detroiters there. DR.Stewart may have been there.
Ps. I have a photograph if Bean Bowles with a lady at the Jazz event. I'm 90% certain it was Musuem Arranger Dr. Stewart