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Owd Codger

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Everything posted by Owd Codger

  1. Surely a record is still as good/ bad as the minute it was finished in the studio. It's only the "Punters" perception that changes. If it was brilliant as Eddie Foster, has DILY( IID) got worse over the years.
  2. Sadly, Not for Frank Wilson
  3. It's a tribute album to Soul Music, and he is visiting Smokey, Jerry Butler, Sam Moore, Tyrone Davis, William Bell, Levi Stubbs, David Ruffin and more. Everyday I listen to Radio Stations ( News Stations) whose Presenters are completely ignorant of Soul Music, believing that everybody went to 6th Form College, Higher Education, Polytechnics and University. If you didn't ....you and your music tastes don't count. So I'm glad to see some recognition of the artists we love by a MAJOR Pop/Rock Star.
  4. Kenb Many Thanks for this info....I probably have these elslewhere but obviously can't trace them if I don't recall them....little grey cells getting worse on a daily basis. Many thanks for getting back with this info Many thanks for getting back with this info
  5. I'm going through some old CDs/ tapes and finding some tracks not identified at the time. Can anybody help me please? Thank you 12 Track 12.mp3 20 Track 20.mp3
  6. After the Orange sleeve, about 1967, I think, EMI used a sleeve with colour photos of albums on sale. This was probably to follow suit with USA 45s , who used several designs. Green was about 1968 . Don't know why they changed it. It was an exiciting moment to walk into record shops, look at the racks of stock....and spot "an Orange" amongst other labels. Asking the ,usually, nice elderley lady, " Can I just look at those old records please?".
  7. For anybody interested in this topic, I found a thread on Soulful Detroit. https://soulfuldetroit.com/showthread.php?27652-Herman-Willis-quot-Come-On-quot
  8. Berry Gordy jnr was also an amateur boxer of course. Not sure of his 'status' in the ring.
  9. Cassius Clay
  10. Joe Frazier
  11. Roosevelt Grier https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosey_Grier https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=D4ppmTQnC3g
  12. This subject has been raised on another forum.. EMI released the album " Miracles from the beginning " onTamla Motown TML11031. On the album, a track listed as " Mama done told me" (a genuine Miracles recording) was somehow incorrectly replaced with a track that it is believed to be " Come on "by Herman Willis on B& C label. I cannot see any Motown connection. Does anybody know the story behind this glaring error?
  13. https://chicago.suntimes.com/obituaries/2022/9/12/23349965/ramsey-lewis-dead-jazz-obituary-music-the-in-crowd-chicago Aplogies for my error when typing Lewis. My favourite of his many great tracks.
  14. From there it became Tamla-Motown on adverts, promotions. Motown Publicist Al Abrams ran a publicity stunt on Tommy Good in July 1964. It refers to " Hitsville USA, offices of Tamla-Motown Recording Corporatio n". See Al Abrams book Hype& Soul. You can see the progression. Hence The Tamla- Motown Appreciation Society made perfect sense, and as a label in 1965 to combine the various USA labels. ( Which is thought to be Dave Godin's idea).
  15. Made so many fine tunes
  16. try again...best I can do
  17. unsupervised access to Studio A...sorry it's not too clear
  18. Pat Lewis taking my Golden World shirt, and going to show it to George Clinton who passing through Detroit. Pat invited us to his (Birthday??) party, but we couln't make it.
  19. Dr Stewart and Beans Bowles
  20. Information on Museum Curator https://m.facebook.com/nt/screen/?params={"note_id"%3A10160687235258289}&path=%2Fnotes%2Fnote%2F&refsrc=deprecated&_rdr
  21. Thanks for that information David. I know ,and this article mentions, that 2646 is now used for entrance. When I went in 1994, we entered 2648. I'm not sure when it changed, but I'm glad that that was the situation we found ourselves in...seemed right. From what I was told, it was Esther who looked after 2648 and the rest, with little interest from Berry. A DJ/collector of this parish, who I was in contact with, explained to me that 2648 was basically LP sleeves stapled to the wall....not much more in type of Musuem type memrobilia in a professional way. I've seen photos of memrobilia in there.....perhaps the new make over set all the artefacts into some kind of order. When I went, there had been a proper Musuem makeover, with Dr. Rowena Stewart in charge. Ron Swope who we met, was in charge of the operation ( I think that was the case). 2648/46 now had pastel shaded rooms, with various themes, pictures, 45s, LPs sleeves , costumes etc. A video show. We were invited to the opening of a Jazz Historical Society, a number of Motown related Detroiters there. DR.Stewart may have been there. Ps. I have a photograph if Bean Bowles with a lady at the Jazz event. I'm 90% certain it was Musuem Arranger Dr. Stewart
  22. 2646 then?
  23. A museum in the adjoing buildings might have been suitable, but 2648/50 should have been left as they were. But they have gone down the tourist road. When I visited, I had a difficult time going through the Airport Border checks, with a very UNfriendly official who wanted to know why I had travelled "all this way to see that little house". I told her it was like visiting Graceland. She looked at me as though she was going to have arrested.
  24. Our trip to Detroit came about after Martha Reeves handed ny friend her business card, saying that we should contact her if we ever made the trip to Motown. So we got it together and went, but Martha initially could not meet us as she had to fly to LA to attend the funeral of Mary Wilson's son . Martha returned to Detroit, sent her driver to pick us up, and we accompanied her ( via a drive -in hamburger joint in her limo)as she ran a local talent/amatuer night ( which ended up with both of us singing with local kids and Martha on stage) She was to take us on a tour to Hitsville but got sidetracked by a radio station, so it never happened.
  25. When I went, my friend and I, on 3 seperate visits, were allowed into Studio A, with no official / guide present. We took 'mock' photos of ourselves sitting at the piano, behind the drum baffle, playing vibes, adjusting sound monitors etc. Nobody stopped us....let us play around for a long time, un-supervised I seriously doubt that you get anywhere near that kind of interaction now.

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