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Boris Johnson

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About Boris Johnson

  • Birthday 28/02/1993

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  1. Looking forward to tonight! Can't wait to see Rob Smith & Ted Massey. Polish your dancing shoes guys.
  2. Another amazing night last month. Full dance floor, Loads of new friendly people travelling from all over, Amazing soul music as always! Well worth making your Saturday night a Soul night! AMAZING DJS as always ♡
  3. excellent night, amazing turnout best night yet, amazing sound was played, the dance floor was full and everyone had an amazing night! ready for the next one
  4. can't wait for tomorrow, amazing djs in order polish off your dancing shoes, it's going to be an amazing night, never fails! amazing music as always!
    Another amazing night ! This event never fails to bang the greatest soul tunes out, jam packed dance floor, and dancing til you can't dance no more! Amazing djs. An event not to miss!!
  5. as always an amazing night last month so ready for saturdays event! amazing djs, amazing venue, amazing music! see you there, not to be missed!!
    Another amazing night! Can't wait for next month! Amazing DJS all the time, amazing music. And fab company!
  6. Can't wait for the next one! Not missed one yet, amazing night. Fantastic DJS, surrounded by lovely people, a night not to be missed
  7. Can't wait for Saturday! Amazing DJS
  8. Amazing night, perfect soul music, good company!

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