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Gary Brickwood

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Everything posted by Gary Brickwood

  1. Yeah defo rob played it
  2. vondells hey girl youve changed MR stampted orignial really nice condition ,PLAYS WITH NO ISSUES< minor lable fade. £2800 plus fully tracked insured postage payment options available.. money back if your not 100 percent happy. Email me for sound file etc garybrickwood@gmail.com THIS RECORD IS Now SOLD!!!!!!
  3. Stranger things happened back then.. harder to find records because we never really knew who sang what.. very interesting times looking for the wrong records
  4. Yeah your correct on that mick .. that’s how I remember it!
  5. I definitely prefer that label design
  6. I thought it was him to make it a big spin around the days of the EASC days
  7. Nev wherry made it a popular spin .. I defo remember him spinning it.. st ives .. Peterborough .. Bedford alnighters was always played
  8. I’ve tried but never keep to it lol
  9. I paid £2850 for a nr mint copy earlier this year but I think the other copy’s went for around the same price.. I even think I see a cracked copy sell for £700 sweet spin to have though
  10. Never seen an issue I thought they was all demos but I’ve seen maybe 6 copy’s for sale this year all around £3k
  11. Wanted Jimmie bo Horne I can’t speak original cash waiting must be good condition
  12. Afternoon ady your there’s loads of nice 45s about but I think this Arthur Willis is in really nice condition the others I’ve seen haven’t been great.
  13. No nothing from Darren this week not that I’ve seen
  14. There’s a copy on eBay
  15. Your not wrong there but I suppose if you want a record that bad you’ll pay a premium just to have it!
  16. Carstairs over a grand and still going.. pure madness
  17. Pm sent
  18. The Para-Monts come go with me. Anyone got a clean copy for sale ? Thanks for looking !!
  19. Definitely a must own record if you get the opportunity and collecting records is your thing.. for me it takes me back to less stressful times in life
  20. Great record for not a lot of money definitely.. I thought it might do £3500
  21. That’s the problem we all did the same.. it costs a lot more to replace what we sold.. if only we’d of known.. nice 1 mate
  22. Lol quality mate.. definitely seems to be a hard record to own these days

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