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Kev Wood

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Everything posted by Kev Wood

  1. Thanks Robbk. No evidence that I know about of the existence of a pink promo either.
  2. OK- I've seen these labels on Discogs before (they are not in the Gart and Ames book which I recall as picturing the labels of all of the other released records on Duke). I remain sceptical about whether it was released. Has any user of this site actually owned or seen this record?
  3. No problem Buster- the appearance on the compilation / greatest hits sets just adds to the confusion. The Duke book by Gart and Ames also lists a separate recording number for each track- but that doesn’t necessarily mean they made it out onto a released single.
  4. Both tracks are also on compilation albums.
  5. Particular thanks to Robbk and Tiscapital Definitely looks like this release of Duke 369 never happened. If someone on Soul Source knows anything different, please let us know.
  6. Thanks. This is a really helpful contribution. I’m assuming if it had been released there would probably be some trade press adverts and reviews.
  7. Thanks Tiscapital. I did see that entry on 45cat.com but, in the absence of any other claims about copies, I thought it was a bit fishy. If it is out there, I'm guessing somebody on here will have one.
  8. Not sure if this has been answered on here in the past (I’ve looked) but does anybody know if Bobby Bland - Ain't It A Good Thing / Queen For A Day; Duke 369 was ever released? If so, has anybody got a copy? There is a picture of an orange stock copy on Discogs but it has never come up for sale there and there isn’t any info about whether there was ever a pink promo version. A few Bobby Bland completists suggest that it is still eluding them and I’m guessing it isn’t out there at all. I’ve checked in ‘Duke / Peacock Records: An Illustrated History’ by Gart & Ames but that doesn’t have any hard and fast answer. Thanks for any help with this.
  9. I enjoyed it very much- it could have been awful but it sounded great. No big surprises and all well-worn selections but it worked. The best Radio 3 I’ve listened to (probably ever!).
  10. There's a helpful map of Westminster Blue Badge parking bays here:- https://lbhf.maps.arcgis.com/apps/LocalPerspective/index.html?appid=3618e28e466f4424829817290252c0cb If you click on Oxford Street centred near 100 Club it should show up the Blue Badge Bays in the locality. Good luck.
  11. Sorry- not being clear. The track runs for 2 mins 15 seconds and is excellent in both sound quality and performance all the way through- but on the 7" disc the content is only the first 1.5cm with a runout grove of @ 2.5cm- so it looks like a two track EP with the inner one of two tracks missing (if you can visualise that). An unwary DJ glancing at the deck might get fooled into thinking that there is more of the track left than there actually is.
  12. An excellent release, with thumbs up for the B side too. In my case, thanks to Guy Hennigan and Tony Smith who played it on their 'Rare Soulcial' show on totallywiredradio. Wondering how 'Love's Got A Hold On Me' is being received when played out? Just one point: I'm going to have to watch closely when I play it out in the local pub (for the education of a general audience), because the playable content only takes up about half of the 7 inch disc- which seems to often be the case on issues pressed these days.

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