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About harly7

  • Birthday 07/01/1967

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    Watford (Man & Boy)
  • Top Soul Sound
    eric mercury - lonely girl

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  1. I find I remember the stuff I want to and bin the rest lol. Don’t think the age of the stuff comes into it i was mates with Simon Small, Gavin and Pablo and lived in Watford- still do. Lots of happy memories of The Unicorn, including the chips. Martin
  2. Wow! THE Hairy Pete Myles. Top fella.
  3. how's about: Fred Paris on Green Sea I can really satisfy - bouncy high pitched pop-soul tune and on the flip ...... I'll be hangin on - moody mid tempo belly acher hard to believe its the same fella imo. but i have to say that i love both sides. so its a win-win for me. and it's CHEAP !!!! martin.
  4. i agree - it was a good film, quite poignant. although i dozed thru some of the early parts for some strange reason i was unable to get back to sleep after seeing Rob staring out of my TV screen and paid rapt attention to the rest of the film in case he snuck up on me again. did i mention how sexy i find michelle gomez? oh i did! martin..
  5. Oddly enough i saw that film too. Was away in Spain for a week staying in a mate's villa, fell asleep with the telly on and woke up at 3am to a Northern tune playing away with our very own Mr Messer up on the screen doing his fancy footwork. Scottish film about some woman getting married and her and her bridesmaids personal stories - think it was called Wedding Belles and had the mad sexy bird (michelle gomez ) out of Green Wing in it. Was awake enough to notice that the record on the deck was NOT the tune playing . Dont forget that Rob "make me famous" Messer was also a postman in one of the Tango ad's. martin.
  6. have to agree with the above as regard to colour - totally irrelevant when the sound they make is sooooooo good! ticks all of the right boxes for me - Otis is good but this is "haunting" like the man said and one of those tunes i'd never get rid of. i'd put the kids on ebay before my copy of this! martin
  7. a week later and i haven't checked yet! will try and have a look tonight martin
  8. Dirty Boy!!!!!! Excellent song though! Frank Giacobbe had one too - seem to remember him playing it down the phone to me. Niiiiiiiice. Martin
  9. Just had another thought..... some time ago there was an internet radio show which featured the guys who ran the George Jackson soul nights - superb show! - and on there they played a song by Jo (Josh/Joshie) Armstead - called "You cut up the clothes...." or something very similar. i am currently offering up the position of "my very best friend" to any kind person who can either point me in the direction of a copy or at the least provide me with an mp3. fingers well and truly crossed on this one. BLESS YOU martin
  10. i put this on a cd for a friend a while back and he loved it. which is nice. trouble is he wants a copy for himself and i said i would help him. any ideas out there? not exactly a regular NS stock item... yours in anticipation.. martin
  11. pretty sure i have one of these lurking in a box somewhere one of those "forgot you even had it until someone mentions it" 45's - would've been something i picked up back in the 80's at a guess keep you posted! martin
  12. Me too. Absolutely Fabulous as they say. Stand-out tracks for me are Margie Alexander and Betty Lavette both of which i picked up for around the £5.00 mark - gotta love these two. Incidentally i saw Ms Lavette sing this track when she did a little show over in Shepherds Bush last year. Goosebumps time !! martin
  13. thought that looked familiar so took a look and.......... Yep ! i was a member too. No. 501 in fact. what number were you Simsy? even came across a couple of old flyers of theirs for do's in Peterborough, both the Fleet and The Wirrina. Dick Coombes (where is he now?) and Brian Rae feature on both. no patch to be found unfortunately although i do use a couple of my old RSG ones as coasters on my office desk - lol - well i'm not sewing the bloody things on a Tescos carrier bag ready for my next soul night. martin
  14. Like this one too. Is it just me or does anyone else think this has a Motown-y feel to it, almost Heatwave-ish? martin
  15. Errrr VERY good ? Have to say i am loving that one. martin

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