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Everything posted by Kraftl

  1. Hi! Does anyone know this track? KTF and many thanks! Roland VID_20250225_063652_029.mp3
  2. Hit! P E R F E C T! Many Thanks! Roland Hit! P E R F E C T! Many Thanks! Roland Hit! P E R F E C T! Many Thanks! Roland
  3. yes! it's a Mix from Instagram & Facebook - people often asked about the title and artist - unfortunately there were no answers.
  4. Hi! Then I have to apologize! It should be noted, however, that unfortunately I don't have any longer recordings of it. To be honest, I have often looked for songs that were basic for other listeners, so I started this attempt. Sorry and thank you very much anyway! Roland
  5. Hello everyone, does anyone know about these four songs and can tell me who sings it and what it is called? Best regards! Roland 000001.mp3 000002.mp3 000003.mp3 000004.mp3
  6. no, don't know
  7. Hi @Andy Cullup You know it!? Yeeeeesss! Please let me know, please. KTF! Roland
  8. Hi Agent Smith! Take a Look @ https://photos.app.goo.gl/rjSWnday4QsJbXJg7 best regards & many thanks! Roland
  9. Mark! Yes! After hearing 'got to find a way' it's very close to this spin! The search goes on...
  10. Hi! OK. Sorry! Take a Look @ https://photos.app.goo.gl/rjSWnday4QsJbXJ KTF! Roland
  11. Hello everyone, does anyone know this song and can tell me who sings it and what it is called? https://www.facebook.com/share/r/9VKrKJVAVsHFtMJ3/ Many Thanks and KTF! Roland
  12. Hi @Benji
  13. hello! hit! many thanks to @The Tempest & @Benji ('in demand'?). KTF from germanys south. Kraftl
  14. hello! I heard this instrumental in one of the last Pete Smith radio shows - does anyone know the artist and the title? KTF! Roland fuer leo(2).mp3
  15. hello Modularman, Geeselad, Steviehay & Patrick - many thanks for your help! and yes, it's an overlay over exus trek, but it's not bad... KTF! Roland from southern germany
  16. hello @modularman, many thanks! i think it's a male voice in my video, isn't it? KTF! Kraftl
  17. hello! do anybody know the track @second 39 it the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haMKqFqtXVg likes exus track, but... KTF! Kraftl

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