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  1. I'm sorry I'm a bit lost now! So you think that John WesTley Moffett with a T is NOT the Melic singer AND the Quincy Jones singer? That's what I think too. Still the Vivid singer IS John Westley Moffett according to the copyright catalog: https://books.google.fr/books?id=szQhAQAAIAAJ&pg=PA735&lpg=PA735&dq="You're+Gonna+Miss+Me"+wesley+copyright&source=bl&ots=MW3NQ8cvVh&sig=ACfU3U2tgu441Yo17Bky1_QUJmDJPQynnw&hl=fr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjA5I2c6Kz1AhVMUxoKHbwcCQUQ6AF6BAgCEAM#v=onepage&q="You're Gonna Miss Me" wesley copyright&f=false
  2. thanks a lot for your reply and the tip regarding the book! => on my wishlist!
  3. Here's one on the songs of the Renfro 7": --- and yes it's CrafTmaster Records, Inc. ; here's one of the songs of the 7" ---my mistake ; this one from the 80s is by a different guy ; BMI credits "John R. Westly" and there's another 7" on the same label crediting JRW for vocals--- https://repertoire.bmi.com/Search/Catalog?num=tfaUduYuQubLIkXhHrmLlQ%3d%3d&cae=MFOLD1r7I4OYXMNVebX%2fng%3d%3d&partType=WriterList&search={"Main_Search_Text"%3A"King Freak"%2C"Sub_Search_Text"%3Anull%2C"Main_Search"%3A"Title"%2C"Sub_Search"%3Anull%2C"Search_Type"%3A"all"%2C"View_Count"%3A100%2C"Page_Number"%3A0%2C"Part_Type"%3Anull%2C"Part_Id"%3Anull%2C"Part_Id_Sub"%3Anull%2C"Part_Name"%3Anull%2C"Part_Cae"%3Anull%2C"Original_Search"%3Anull%2C"DisclaimerViewed"%3Anull}&resetPageNumber=True&partIdSub=YO0HedHMatLb45JzS23DVw%3d%3d --- Regarding the Quincy Jones / Johnny Wesley recordings, the score has been engineered by Arthur Piantadosi, a NYC engineer working in West Coast studios : http://arthur.thejqs.com Here are both songs by Johnny/John Wesley : Vocals start at 0'28 Sorry for being stubborn but he sounds like the Melic singers to my ears, with the light tremolo at the end of each sentence... Moffett has definitely a deeper and stronger voice, but no tremolo in it...
  4. There is a 45rpm by Wally Cox on Arvee from the early 60s ; do you think that it's the same guy (from Oakland, CA) who recorded for Lama Records/George Records, Cordon Records, Wand? Also a prolific West Coast songwriter (Shoe Publishing Co.) and a friend of Marvin Gaye. Thanks! vs.
  5. (Hello to you all / my first post here) I did some research regarding this singer John Westley Moffett aka -Johnny Moffett on Canterbury (writing credits: J. Moffett) http://www.45cat.com/record/c518 -John Westly on Renfro (writing credits: James Mofett) -John Westly on Crafmaster Records, Inc. https://www.popsike.com/RARE-Northern-Deep-JOHN-WESTLY-on-RENFRO/330395543866.html https://www.raresoulman.co.uk/230106-keep-loving-you-call-on-me.html -John Westley (writing credits: John Westley-Moffett) http://www.45cat.com/record/nc795325us -John Wesley on Vivid - no "T" (writing credits: John Wesley) ; produced by LEE YOUNG http://www.45cat.com/record/nc927275us copyright credits confirm Wesley = Moffett on that one: https://books.google.fr/books?id=szQhAQAAIAAJ&pg=PA735&lpg=PA735&dq="You're+Gonna+Miss+Me"+wesley+copyright&source=bl&ots=MW3NQ8cvVh&sig=ACfU3U2tgu441Yo17Bky1_QUJmDJPQynnw&hl=fr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjA5I2c6Kz1AhVMUxoKHbwcCQUQ6AF6BAgCEAM#v=onepage&q="You're Gonna Miss Me" wesley copyright&f=false BMI gather all his writing credits under John Westley Moffett : https://repertoire.bmi.com/Search/Catalog?num=v0RixSBqgEeGRXdF%2bIsISQ%3d%3d&cae=UsqupUYhm07jssJ6owMYRg%3d%3d&partType=WriterList&search={"Main_Search_Text"%3A"I Found Joy"%2C"Sub_Search_Text"%3Anull%2C"Main_Search"%3A"Title"%2C"Sub_Search"%3Anull%2C"Search_Type"%3A"all"%2C"View_Count"%3A100%2C"Page_Number"%3A0%2C"Part_Type"%3Anull%2C"Part_Id"%3Anull%2C"Part_Id_Sub"%3Anull%2C"Part_Name"%3Anull%2C"Part_Cae"%3Anull%2C"Original_Search"%3Anull%2C"DisclaimerViewed"%3Anull}&resetPageNumber=True&partIdSub=YO0HedHMatLb45JzS23DVw%3d%3d ---Deep soulful voice to my ears--- Then we have two other records : -Johnny Wesley on Melic (writing credits: J. Livingston, H. Symes, Al Neiberg) ; produced by LEE YOUNG http://www.45cat.com/record/4170 -John Wesley on Melic (writing credit on B-side : ERNIE SHELBY) ; produced by LEE YOUNG http://www.45cat.com/record/nc487704us ---Higher pitch soulful voice to my ears--- And finally we have two tracks on Quincy Jones' soundtracks: - Johnny Wesley "I Needs To Be Bee'd With" written by ERNIE SHELBY (Cactus Flowers score 1969) - John Wesley "Celebration" (The Split score 1968) ---Higher pitch soulful voice to my ears-- All those songs are available on YT ; I think that the Lee Young credit is a coincidence and that the Melic / Quincy Jones singer IS NOT J.W. Moffett. What do you think? Thanks!

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