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Naughty Boy

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Everything posted by Naughty Boy

  1. Think thats klinda piss#d on someones bonfire
  2. bugger Winston i quite Larue but yes " third window from the sh#t hole and that voodoo b*llocks" they need playing with a lump hammer
  3. me neither but was the main room back in the day driven by oldies or newies to use the term
  4. Cheeky Ba#t#rd on the matter of the film , i think it will be good ... hell look at the picture , clips etc ..... its looking like a pro job by someone that is on the inside for a change.... wonder if the ending fast forwards to the current state of affairs on the scene forty years on ... with the local OFB soul nights .. maybe not but it could be a sequel
  5. thats how it used to be main room back in the day .... but oldies in a side room . Mr M's , Wintergardens Cleethorpes ,Back room at Samanthas and so on
  6. Some interesting posts.... just shows ya though many accidental routes in ........... right place at the right time ........... or should it be wrong place wrong time
  7. oooh happy days....... just one thing though .... its not 9 nights per county ..... its 4 and 5 per town in many cases now .........
  8. agree and hope it does Dont think it will become a teenie trend Spot the kids today have way more exiting things to do these days with the club scene and open all hours I had a van.... no driving Lic though used to borrow a mates till i passed mine ( the bobbies were easy to fool in them days ...) and i got pulled a fair few times .... once with Bub in the back along with 4 others ( twas only a Marina ) Im hoping she does a good job with it ................ f##kin soul boy
  9. Indeed .... same hear a general rule of thunb was to call in sat mornings after our fix of sammies
  10. indeed it would
  11. oooh yes i have and indeed i willl Barney althouigh many folks have told me to let it lie because they know i dont mix my words i call it how it is .... funny how he never said it to me but said it to everyone else obviously huh....and how have brought him into it ... i aint mentioned no names but it quite obvious aint it.... being that everyone else knows ffs
  12. Debbie .... just ignore it..... Ive got one that calls we a wank dj behind my back , he said it once too often and has been heard on a good few occasions now and this is from a 1st class pecker head that just started on the scene maybe 5years max and his wife plays out with a 50box of bootlegs ffs oooh and he thinks northern starts at the snake and ends there too ffs its all petty northern bollotics
  13. Yes Billy be nice to see your there this year again mate
  14. Hi Rick indeed mate well said , we were glad to have her and Colin as guests at Brid last year . having wrote an article on the said subject for our programme . TOP couple indeed Rob
  16. Indeed Steve :thumbsup:
  17. Well reading that Benji i guess you have been attracting the wrong British crowd , they certainly aint been attracting genuine soul fans obviously . However i do concede that some would be capable of going nuts " idiots abroad " syndrome but on the whole the VAST VAST MAJORITY are not like that . Last year at the Brid Weekender we put a room on special with a big screen ENGLAND v GERMANY... was is full of chanting Brits on the Piss NO over two hiundred in having a joke and laugh and moan whilst getting hammered by the Germans . Maybe some in Euroland need to lighten up too but events like this do attract some that do not do soul in the uk mate .......... .. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: ..
  18. anybody who is prepared to pay that needs sewing in it
  19. yeh you are a Goddess ..... but hell . you would be well surprised that many in the USA ... now realise what they missed Rob
  20. Hell ...... wow Lorraine nice to see someone of your calibre on Soul Source... Rob
  21. If you need to shift tickets send to our po box number and we will buy them back because there will once again be a waiting list.
  22. Martin was thinking along the same lines

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