What a fantastic night. Music was spot on and was as advertised, a Mecca Revival. I heard records that I have not heard since those heady Highland Room days. In fairness to the comments:
1. It's a beautiful hotel and hotel prices are always going to be more expensive than Witherspoons or your local club. You did get a 10% discount in the bar but if you didn't like waiting you could have used the other bar although you would not get the discount there.
2. Yes, having to wait to be served was hard, but it wasn't the staff's fault, so complain to the manager and maybe next year it will be suitably covered. I thought Abbie and the others did a great job, especially having to listen to the moaning Minnie's out there.
3. Mediocre tunes!!! Did you ever attend the Blackpool Mecca Highland Room? I can honestly say I was transported back. OK there may have been a few tunes not played, but you cannot play them all in 10 hours. Maybe message Jan or the DJs before next year's event to give them an idea of the sort of stuff you are hoping to hear.
4. The dancefloor. It wasn't rubbish but as a slider I did find I would catch my foot on occasion but other than that it was great. I wear leather soles for dancing and they slid perfectly. Obviously the floor found it hard to keep up with us movers and shakers and for those still there near the end we were asked to not dance on it for fear of injury, which was nice of those in charge to stop us dancing on it. We all were happy to finish on the carpet I feel. I hope the dancefloor situation can be changed for next year, but if not bring shoes that suit either floor or carpet then you'll still be able to dance your ass off.
5. Regarding the peddler of speed you should have pointed him out to Jan or a member of staff and he could have been removed from the venue. Simples.
Sorry you felt it was a bad experience, Steve, but hopefully my comments may make you think about giving it another try. I will most certainly attend next year and want to thank Janet Crowe for all her hard work organising another fantastic night. The DJs who to me kept my heart pumping away happily all evening (I don't need no dope to feel super high) and the staff, who I felt should have been given a bonus for working so damn hard. Roll on 2022.