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Everything posted by Soulsearch

  1. Absolutely Nothing - He has a Fantastic Voice, just wasn't the question as answered by two others Also he is too known IMO to have counted - if he had done maybe 10-15 songs in total then perhaps he would have been one of the two?
  2. LOL - No, re read my question
  3. My last new Topic post i promise!! - Well for a short while (i am on holiday) I had a friendly (ish) debate with a friend which is a bit pointless to post and if no replies i completely understand. We were talking about soul artists who should have but never became famous in the music industry, then we were talking about who had the best voice out of those - Male not female (no specific reason why) and artists who are pretty much under the radar unless your really into soul and who had a few songs. Yep stupid and really really pointless (maybe fun?) but here goes. After our very critical analysis and shortlisted down to these two (they are of course just our personal opinions). Needed to have enough material to compare. Any other opinions regarding just these two only. I said Darrow Fletcher overall He said Carl Hall overall PLEASE NOTE: strictly the voice and NOT about songs/which records were best. LOL - I AM actually nuts i think? (so is he but he's not publicly posting and humiliating himself) Thanks again
  4. Thankyou for that, i shall try and dig that one out
  5. OK, looked on Discogs - wont be buying that then!!
  6. Great track BTW - love it
  7. Big Thanks for that, WOW a good response you had! - so everybody/nobody knows what crossover actually is - was there a conclusion though?. From reading, its a record that is generally loved by most of the soul fraternity as opposed to being loved by a specific group of ears i.e. Northern and Modern.
  8. PS Just to add to my small list Alex Brown - Not responsible, to "my" ears PURE Modern not a hint of Northern but classed as "Crossover" Why??
  9. Dear All, i realise this has been discussed before, i "think" i do, but not confident i quite know what this means?. To me?? rightly or wrongly its a record that appeals to BOTH the Northern and Modern fans regardless of when it was released/tempo etc/style even. Out of thin air three records spring to mind which will help me to confirm if i know what "crossover" actually means/is: (REALLY OLD ones i know) Carl Hall - What about you We the people - making my daydream real four below zero - ESP I remember ALL three being highly popular (many years ago) at Northern Venues and Modern Venues in probably equal measures. Any thought to confirm and ask because some records i am listening to are either neither to my ears or pretty strictly Northern or strictly Modern but still classed as "crossover" - am i missing the point? Thankyou
  10. There you go my friend, DONT buy it!. Must admit though i have been after this for a good while myself, very rarely crops up, WAS in a distant galaxy a Giles Peterson favourite many moons ago!! Perhaps "both" of us are looking in the wrong place? No, the price "is" correct and no movement on it - really high then especially as there appears to be little demand for it?. Best and Thankyou
  11. No i cant, i am not a dealer. Yes found it! - OK, says VG+ - doesn't sound that though on the sample playback?? really crackly? Thing is, one may never ever crop up again, the crackles "could" be ingrained dirt?? - if this is so and it certainly can be for a record of this age, id say get it but as long as you were happy with that its a risk. I am holding out for a Ex/M- copy but i may never ever find it. Price wise i think if was mint then a good buy, if crackles are permanent then way too steep i feel???? "Personally"
  12. Please, if you find two can i have the other one? -GREAT GREAT record!! They do crop up once every 5 years or so but condition always appears to be "not very good" Good luck
  13. Too Many to thank, but BIG thanks to ALL - keep em coming - some amazing bits on there ive never heard. However, i wanted to stick with record budgets max £150 - some of them i know are double/triple that - That should be a new blog ie "two for one" - best double siders EVER?
  14. Dear All, My second post in the space of 24 hrs!! - Its very exiting all this!! i have a week off work. I was wondering which double siders ie Value for money/and both sides Killer tunes (subjective i know) in the say £150.00 max budget are? I will listen to them as i want to build up a small/fairly inexpensive but loved record collection, also just out of interest really - Don't offer me any yet though, earwise i am a very slow burner. My four favourite tracks ever both happen to be A/B sides of the same records. They are: The Exits on Gemini - Brought it yesterday LOL , heard about two years ago - LOVE both tracks but money slightly more and i know probably an unpopular opinion??. J R Robinson on Blue Candle - Have not got an original of course - only the re-issue - first heard both tracks about 15 years ago. Taste is very very open (also love Jolene by Dolly Parton and most of ABBAs) but want to stick with "Soul" ! don't want to specify genres! There MUST be a lot more out there? Big thanks
  15. PS Maybe they were the real deal? - if so i am stupid as i could have brought about twenty
  16. Thankyou When you say "usually" is that always? What about the 80s? - There are some VERY VERY expensive 80s rarities out there - I reckon i am overthinking these things? I remember about 30 years ago, Flowers 7" used to be £150 thereabouts and i remember then, two different/suspect 7s were floating around London. One you could tell fairly easily The other was pretty much impossible, even the matrix from what i remember? was identical. I remember as i used to meet a record dealer in Camden Market and he had a good few which was odd as it was a known rarity even then. With it also came the other Flowers 7". They were £100 and £70 respectively.
  17. ALL such valid points and not really a black and white answer - its a melting pot of differing reasons. OK then, following the veering off slightly discussion of "boots" relating to my post, another question which perhaps i should post as a new question on Forum. I collect art also. With art collecting pieces NEED providence - This is one of THE most important element of buying and owning an artwork ie history of said piece/where did it come from and can it be traced back anywhere/any written proof?. With this in mind i was thinking about records also. As vinyl (for the sake of this rare soul vinyl esp 45s) one day and i am certain will be the case is that boots will appear especially as there are "expert" fakers for almost anything and everything and the records are so good you wont be able to tell the boot from the real one. As vinyl it appears is increasing at a ridiculous rate especially the rare/valuable stuff surely like anything else will be. Do rare/valuable soul collectors need to record them on some kind of Database? ie if someone suddenly comes up with 30 copies of a very very rare record (still V rare) and says they came from an attic in the States from a guy who was the cafe worker/engineer at said vinyl plant, does their word just be taken for granted?? (surely this will/has happened?) - the value of these record collections as a whole surely runs into millions and millions worldwide. Perhaps this should be a different/new forum question? or am i just losing the plot and is a ridiculous comment???? If so, just ignore. I am a newbie to this site and i am excitable
  18. PS Although, if so you wouldnt know it was a boot anyway ?? - afterthought comment:)
  19. LOL! :))- Nope, i am a health worker in UK for NHS "Just" my original post ie its been a very very long time since i was a "collector", abt 30 years ago, im just trying to get some upto date info on the market as it seems to have changed completely!! Never ever seen a Carl Hall boot or real one comes to think of it - A few promos only. Actually, my next new post maybe should be "Are there any boots which you cant tell even up against the original? - Has it come to that yet??
  20. Dear All, BIG thanks for your replies, I guess from responses/what i have read its like anything. The Mona Lisa (there are more than one actually!!) is not going to be worth any less when you can buy a print. OK, So, really it depends on what it is to an extent. Just 2 "completely" random examples below! I know no real high value but if Gloria Shannon Tears was 2nd pressed/reissued, surely without a doubt it would significantly reduce the value of the "original" simply because there are already 800 copies floating about (500 issues/300 promos out there) whereas...................................................... If Carl Halls what about you were re-issued even on a legit Columbia 7" it probably wouldn't change the value of the original i.e still very rare, a lot older and a proven genuine classic and to an extent an important (LOL) historical object? Thankyou
  21. Thankyou Neil, Yes i will do that. Knowing what i am like i do have that real collector/ownership bug and no way a money making thing (i think its a male thing?). I am going to tread carefully because i know record collecting can easily become a very slippery slope!! What prompted me to ask all this in the first place was my toothache about a year ago. After 4 Paramols and 2 big bottles of beer i decided at the spare of the moment to purchase "a" soul 45 for the grand total of £1250.00!!!!! - I do love it though. Please don't ask me what the 7" was/is for fear of being mocked!! - Am i happy i did it? - not really as i defo couldn't afford it hence still paying it off on my CC. It has since been re-issued hence my "original question" being posted :). Original Question perhaps should have been "Do i need to seek professional help?" and maybe i am safer going for reissues?. Big Thanks again
  22. PS - just for the "record", in no way am i against re-issues in fact the complete opposite. Question purely relating to the value/expense of the originals
  23. No Djing for me! - yes its trying to find the records i love and in pretty unplayed condition. I went into a "soul" record shop, he gave me 3 large full boxes of 7" to sift through and said these are the "well known rare ones". Out of about 1000 records i recognised two!!?? - i can only put that down to 30 years of being "out" of the scene/new discoveries and just the sheer amount of vinyl out there. My very first record i brought not too long ago when i decided to build up a small collection again was the Tears by Ms Shannon, I paid £20 for it, this was one of two i recognised in the boxes - He was asking £180 for it????. The other one being i think im in love Mayberry movement which i brought for £60. I currently have a grand total of six records-LOL Therefore my point being that i am trying to source records which "haven't" been re-issued, but as there is so much being re-issued perhaps i am missing the point and perhaps one day almost everything will be re-issued, so if values are affected adversely then maybe i am doing it wrong and should just be buying the re-issues as they come - i don't want to throw money away. Yes, i waffle a bit
  24. Thankyou Guys, Thanks for the comments and good to know although i have been told NOT to become a collector again and enjoy my past memories (its a different game nowadays). Things in 25/30 years have changed so much either you cant find the originals anyway, even if you do the prices appear astronomical!! Example: i know price wise not astronomical but The Exits on Gemini a "mint" copy being a £150-200 record and to my eyes actually for what is a pretty common record?, there are a good few around (much prefer the Money side myself )

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