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Everything posted by Soulsearch

  1. Dear All, The term "Northern" soul appears to relate to almost all soul records and wondering why is this. Yes I am a true Southerner, often frequenting venues during the late 80s/early 90s and there was always a pretty clear distinction between the "Northern" records/soul scene and the "southern" Modern soul records/scene yes including the "rare groove" scene, but i always knew a northern soul record from other soul genres - it was pretty easy to tell. Everywhere i look now its "Northern " soul, recently three off the top of my head examples out of hundreds i have seen recently are: Charles Johnson - Never had a love like this described as a "Northern Classic" - was it really? (i am sure it wasn't), Vise - Baby i love you (played in almost all the modern Southern soul rooms at the time of discovery) and finally Rita Wright - touch me take me described as a "Northern Monster - so NOT Northern its practically South Pole. Long Question: Are ALL (or most) soul records now classed as "Northern" regardless of anything? or because the term "Northern Soul" has become a household name, is it purely devised that not clued up newbie collectors don't/cant differentiate between types of soul and therefore makes it easier to sell a record that has the word "Northern" in it? I don't like to pigeon hole or anything and defo not a North/South divide thing, just keen on any thoughts/responses. Thanks for reading
  2. Completely agree with this statement, i made this point earlier - where will the "new" collectors be? there will be some of course but things will be very very different IMHO
  3. Not necessarily "Northern" soul??? - there are other DJs and collectors interested in other Genres - It seems ALL soul currently wherever you look is "Northern" soul???? - just saying
  4. My thoughts exactly the "bursting bubble"
  5. Dear All The Four tracks - Charade US NOTE at least a good graded VG+ A final Plea before i go ahead and purchase a "crackle city" copy of this record, There are two for sale out there, i realise its not common, but i didn't realise it was that difficult? - Perhaps i am wrong?? Please PM me if you know of any for sale, condition though is important. I shall pay well (within reason) Thanks once again.
  6. Personally I am 80% Modern, 10% Northern and 10% other. Never ever heard that one before and brand new to me. I'm presuming the same as "keep it up" Milton? - If so, completely different style and yes like it "alot" - Great song (for Northern) Thankyou for sharing!
  7. That was going to be his choice, you just beat him to it
  8. IMHO Marvin was always at his peak with those duets - worthy choice
  9. No, you didn't go on - an absolute classic for a good reason, love it to bits too. Thankyou
  10. Agree - but you can also look at a stamp though? Very exciting TBH
  11. There is an unused Penny Black stamp being auctioned soon at Sotheby's with a pre sale estimate of £6.000.000 (yes six million!!) for a tiny stamp. As records are much more fun than stamps, is that where its going?????
  12. Thanks for merging Ed Thankyou
  13. Hi Ed, OK, yes see your point - its still all new to me - wasn't meant to be anything negative. Just voicing my thoughts
  14. PS Just to clarify, i am in NO WAY blaming established collectors, i am simply saying that that is the reason auction prices have become so high - in fact record values as a whole
  15. Hi All, Just been reading about lots of opinions regarding the current vastly over payed prices at auctions for rare soul records, mainly negative comments. But, IMHO, not really to do with the auctions, the reason that records are selling very well at auctions is because there seems to be nowhere else to actually secure and own these records. Certain records that not too too long ago were relatively easy to find have pretty much dried up. These are all in personal collections that folks are completely reluctant to part with. The only place to go is the auction, therefore the over inflated Auction prices are a direct response to people holding on to their records - you have little choice, The only way to get them is that you will be lucky enough to actually have a chance to own them and yes, often paying way over the odds. As a collector 25 odd years ago, it was my absolute passion growing up and it was fun. I sold most of mine throughout the past 20 years or so (family/house ect etc), i felt i needed to rekindle an interest (i am now 45) which i started about a year or so ago with a wants list of approximately 100 records. On my list i have currently brought 3 - Yes 3. OK, none are particularly easy (used to be a lot easier though), but for me (personally) The fun seems to have gone as a newbie collector. Newbie collectors will be (or should be?) the driving force of future record collecting. It is the fault of nobody, in fact the Auctions at least provide us mere mortals with a "chance" albeit frustrating, at least to purchase and own records that we would otherwise never be able to. My point being is that collectors moan about auction prices, but it is in fact those same collectors which have forced these values to rise and for auction prices to have become so overly elevated recently. No reply's needed, just saying................................................................................ and i swear NOT SOUR GRAPES!! Thankyou
  16. Yep, i am showing my cards early too!, "The Four Tracks" on wants. Not quite that amount??, over offering though seems only way to actually find and secure certain records nowadays - if you want something, you want it We've ALL overpaid (not often hopefully). Good luck to him.
  17. Dear All, Seeking a E/M- copy of the four Tracks "Charade" on US NOTE - Quite happy to pay £600.00 for an E/M- copy Please PM me if willing to sell me one. Thankyou
  18. One on Discogs looked 1 min ago
  19. I saw one a couple of days ago?? I am sure it Was it either Afro Juice or Craig Morer - if i come across it i will let you know
  20. Although, i have since been informed it was a "typo"?? UK conversion was actually just under £1200 as it was also on Discogs at the same time - sounds more plausible?? but only going by what i was told. I feel better knowing that so please don't tell me otherwise Just while we are here, Desperately seeking The Four Tracks Charade US NOTE Ex at least - Thought it was pretty easy? - maybe its not??. Don't suppose you have one for sale??
  21. Now Now, no fighting - meant to be a FUN! - Sort of agree though............................................
  22. Gone anyway, would be at that price?? - Fastest finger first!!!
  23. Puuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. (a cat)................................very very nice
  24. No, why would i?

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