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Everything posted by Soulsearch

  1. OK, think i understand LOL
  2. I don't get it but it sounds like an intelligent comment
  3. PS How do i do other faces on here rather than smileys? - not a joke question
  4. Yes i suppose it is, but there are enough "NS" records out there to keep "NS" as "NS" without using records which are nowhere near "NS" records - if that makes any sense? we still need categories to differentiate genres of soul - some will disagree. As i said earlier, i think from now on i am just going to say "soul" - its become far too generalised IMO Whatever!!
  5. Bit harsh?......................................take a listen to Grady Tate Lady Love - Defo not IMHO One of my all time faves, top five i reckon - Sheer class Northern or Modern
  6. Me neither and i agree, but i have been informed by some Northern Folks if you read through that the rest of the opinions/answers that the Charles Johnson was indeed a "classic" Northern record played in quite a few of the "northern" rooms. That is what confuses me?. I think though i will call it a day on this topic as nobody really seems to have a definitive answer. For me, it has become very blurred recently, but i have been out of the scene really for a good 25-30 years (still obviously listened to my records). I think the "soul" scene in general has changed beyond recognition. Prices for records too GOSH!!! I shall just be into "soul"! Thankyou PS The Charles Johnson though in anyone's book is truly a gem regardless of taste.
  7. Hi, OK, still no answers though or many answers - still utterly confused!. Below two already covered being (just two examples out of many) which conflicts your comment respectfully: Charles Johnson - Never had a love so good 1980 - Apparently a massive "Northern" record also. Rita Wright - Touch me take me - 1979 - As i said it sounds to me as Northern as the South Pole. So when you say year and overall sound??
  8. No, not disrespectful - All FUN but no. OK what do you mean "year" When would you say the NS year ends?
  9. I wrote to a few dealers, here was one response. Dear Sir, Thanks for you message but if i put the word "Northern" in the titles of any of my records they just seem to sell within minutes. Just today i put on "Jive Bunny - Swing the mood (Northern Soul classic)" and i sold it for £100.00, "Queen - I want to break free (Northern Gem)" £120.00 - they just always seem to sell really easily and for a lot more than they are worth without actually being technically "Northern" although I do recall Jive Bunny are actually from the North. Thanks anyway Bob
  10. You missed "two-step" and "rare groove" Your point is really my point, they "did" have genres, now to me, it seems like only one which is out there is "Northern" -Most of it.
  11. Now that's pure "Northern" Regarding another reply (cant find now?) about writing to ALL the record dealers out there asking them to change their descriptions, i have already started. Dear John, With regards to the Ella Woods record you currently have.................................................................
  12. Thankyou Merve, Best answer so far, but then does that mean that "if" Billy Jean by Michael Jackson was played at a "Northern Soul" venue does that automatically mean that Billy Jean then becomes a "Northern Soul" record and filed as such? even if played once in 1983?
  13. LOL!! - Have a great weekend yourself
  14. I swear i am NOT being pedantic, still don't really get it? - So are "most" folks really saying its become so blurred that almost all "soul" is now called "Northern soul? - Why add a second word? Thanks
  15. OK, i "sort" of get what you are saying . So is Jazz Funk classed as Northern Soul?
  16. Why "Northern scene" as opposed to "Soul scene" then? "Northern" was always (originally) to differentiate a certain type of music, fast paced, Motown "style" records- is that not the case now then?
  17. OK, what about Vise then, first played by Keb (in London) and i believe Ian - in the "Modern Rooms" now classed as Northern? Any Rita Wright?? - Never can imagine that in "any" Northern room?? I am in No way being arsey!!, just like a friendly debate sometimes
  18. PS It "almost" seems to be a claiming" ritual between Northern and Modern??? - A great record is a great record, I love Darrow Fletcher What good am i (heard this many years ago in London) (OK Norther/x-Over whatever??) - but because i heard it i Personally i don't feel the need to "claim" it though as a Modern room spin??????
  19. Yep, think i agree
  20. So really, you are saying if a record has been played at a "Northern" Soul event it is in fact "Northern"??? So almost everything is "Northern"?
  21. Yep OK point taken, CJ In my ALL time top 5 always will be
  22. Totally get that but specifically why "Northern"?

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