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Everything posted by Soulsearch

  1. Thankyou for that Presuming since the Stamped STERLING was discussed (years ago) no change? ie no "new" boots to look out for since then? or is there??
  2. This is of course subjective!! - VERY different
  3. PS WOW just heard the flip ballad - gorgeous
  4. Thankyou Decisions decisions........................................For "this" particular record, slowly swaying towards the demo. certainly was a highly important record at the time - Very interesting
  5. Thankyou Russ? Yes read that - Interesting reading and record certainly!, question really was more about sound quality difference between the two.
  6. Thankyou, That's sort of what i have heard. I am not a serious collector by any means (happy with re-issues) but a few though i would like to own - does the more than double price difference warrant the increase in quality though or should i be happy enough with the pink?
  7. Dear All, Just a quick one. Apart from rarity and the obvious price any difference between the Pink Issue and the Demo, any difference in playback? - i read somewhere the Demo plays a little louder and you can hear more detail. Does playing/buying a demo warrant the more than double price difference? Or not really? Big Thankyou
  8. Yes, probably right Thankyou
  9. GOSH, thank you all (or most ) Girls and Guys , I am hoping this This thread doesn't go on forever, was intended to give me some facts, a bit of "friendly" banter, yes tongue and cheek comments and of course opinions. OK, so "to me" from what i gather NS was originally a specific sound/record. From what i am reading NS is now an "umbrella" term for Northern/Crossover etc regardless of sound and covers a multitude of different records over a long period. I am "hoping" the thread doesn't go on forever, but "flipping the question" a little then are there any records considered as "pure" Modern Soul spins? - or shall i just stop here? PS My "small" collection does encompass all "soul" yes even some Jazz Funk, so my question is purely for interest and certainly not to pigeon hole my records so please don't ask me just to listen to the music and enjoy the music regardless, because i do that anyway Thanks again
  10. Interesting point - Some £1.00 records still are!!
  11. Thankyou Chalky, Wanted friendly debate and comments like the above, NOT to be accused of being a Troll!! Much appreciated
  12. That is simply NOT true in the slightest!? - It was "meant" to be harmless question, i did not mean to stir up a bees nest - but you have your opinion which i respect.
  13. PS Alex Brown is still "Modern" ONLY
  14. I NEVER said it couldn't be? If anybody re reads my post again PROPERLY that was not my question? In a "nutshell" my question related to when or why did genres become blurred and that the term "Northern Soul" seems to have become a bit overused in the imaginations of some - especially recently. IMO quite a relevant question - obviously not If i have obviously written my question that appears to be misunderstood then i apologise. Profusely!!! It was NOT an "argument", it was a valid point/question/debate/opinions/views/Whatever. END END END
  15. Yes i had good taste! No my friend, you are incorrect - it IS actually "Modern" only
  16. On my VERY LAST note on this ??debate?? - some comments and opinions were very interesting - Thankyou to those. I played Alex Brown - Not responsible in out local pub when i was two years old in South London - Therefore i am 100% claiming that this record is a true "Modern" soul spin - Never Ever "Northern" THE END.
  17. Yes you did, and i apologise!! i misread it. BTW i am not the one who latched on to CJ (mentioned yes), but others did hence my very flippant "tongue in cheek" reply. I WILL say however, that my original post was "just" a post - i never ever asked who played what first - For me i really do not care!!! It was simply the "blurred" genres of records/music out there after a long break. Just to add also i am now 42, I was buying "soul" records" from the age of 14!! - so i am aware there are more records out there than CJ!! Thanks for your advice anyhow Safer posting on a Knitting Forum TBH
  18. I think I may post a new question on the forum: Is Charles Johnson - Never had a love a Northern or Modern spin? One reply cant claim both! LOL LOL LOL LOL
  19. I went off it for a good long while, then one day i put on my headphones and turned up the base - Loved it all over again Timeless and classy IMO
  20. Yep, could have been an interesting and sensible debate which "was" its intention - but its not
  21. Yes, i see this now - didn't mean to open a can of worms though!! LOL
  22. Yes, ALL opinions are valid and i've never once said in any of my responses they are not? - The intention of my post was never to upset anyone - obviously me being out of "the "soul" seen for a good 25 years or so has obviously stirred up a topic that is obviously a highly passionate subject for some - really wish i hadn't of bothered. PS FYI Yes, Rita Wright was on a Northern Soul sales site.
  23. No, not over analysing anything or being at all critical? - surely this is what a forum is for, Questions/answers, debate, opinions/discussions etc. My Charles Johnson question was answered by a long term "Northern" Venue Goer and DJ who has tells me (on this forum) that Charles Johnson was and never has been played in any "Northern" venue - i was simply responding to his comment. If it upsets you then maybe just ignore it and don't respond - its your choice? - If you read my original forum question, i think it's a clear enough query?. Perhaps this "friendly" debate/Topic should be put to bed now. Thankyou
  24. I will offer you ten times what you paid for it, go on you know it makes sense PM me........................................................

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